It’s always the same — I think about so many things to share with you, and find myself going back to the Master’s words. It’s interesting to know how amazingly contextual His statements are; one can’t hang on to something He said twenty years or twenty days ago and try to “massage” it as gospel truth, nor would He expect you to. I look to Him to give me a fresh, current perspective which will have a direct bearing on my experience of reality at this moment, which is dynamically evolving. At the same time, the basic principles are unchanging — as these sutras are independent of time and place — they hold their relevance through the ages. The beauty is that they are given to us as easily applicable principles which evolve to fit our ever changing contexts. I said the other day — “Guru ke paas tumhe kuchh baasi ya jhootha nahin diya jayega” (The Guru will not give you something stale or chewed by others) — it is always fresh, relevant, personal, immediate, urgent and applicable!
Q: Guruji our politicians aren’t any good. How can you change corrupted ones like the one in my country?
wow Good One Bhaiyah!
Jgd, Ya Vikram Bhaiyya…Its the application is required…moment to moment & in everylife situations…But I feel that more & more Meditation is required to understand the Master’s every words. Like for example..The Guruji’s looking to be very simple Sutra ‘Life is Love, Life is Joy & Life is Enthusiasm’ is complete in itself, but truly speaking this simple sentence has become actually meaningful for me when that particular degree of understanding came to me after so many..days or infact years.Jgd
Thank you for sharing this inspiring knowledge. Guruji’s comments on politics are specially relevant today. It is not just politics that has become highly materialistic and commercialized. Practically all fields– from education and healthcare, to entertainment and even spirituality– have witnessed this change. The sense of empathy has become scarce and needs to be revived very urgently.
Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge Vikram.
wow ..I wish Guruji was my Maths/mechanics teacher..he would have made it soo simple 🙂
@ politicians
We must have a govt subsidized, compulsory course for the politicians 🙂
@ Q1
I dint get the difference between the 3rd 25% and the 4th 25% of influence 🙁
JGD Bhaiya, Was blessed to be part of AMC with the Master in the B’lore Ashram, Jan 6 to Jan 11, it was great experience. And the moment the thought “u wanna do something for our fellow people” the Master has also planted the seed for the solution. I was talking to the Master at Badri Vishal and told Him that we must do something to stop the farmers suicide in this world, (actually was referring to Vidharbha), He stoped and asked me what can be done.I told Him that Yales foundation (Warren Buffet and Gates together) have a Micro Insurance Project that we could roll out using our own YLTP team. This would have multi benefits for the community. He just looked at me and asked me what I am doing (as if he is not aware), HE was the one to have given this job in ING Insurance. I told Him that i work in the Insurance Industry, for which He asked me to get in touch Nilesh Bhaiya and Ajay Bhaiya, we in the meantime have already approached the Microsoft Team to helps us in this intiative, 2morrow, I will meet Ajay Bhaiya and discuss the next steps. I need all your Blessings and energy to make this intiative a success, even if we can help a few hundred individuals their entire family would be happy. Bhaiya if its possible share your mail id, so that I could also keep you posted and take suggestions. JGD – Shyam