favourite mistake has always been procrastination — why do today what you can put off till tomorrow!
Anyways, I sprang out of bed (it’s 2am!) to blog this right away, partly so that I don’t forget it
by morning (like most of my life-changing late-night ideas) and mostly so that I can claim that this is one task I didn’t put off indefinitely 🙂
I have always been actively involved with the YLTP (Youth Leadership Training Program) since its inception. For those of you who don’t have any idea about YLTP, I shall write about it in a detailed post shortly. Suffice it to say that it’s a train-the-trainer program where the so-called “educated unemployed” rural youth are empowered to become change agents and transform the lives of people in their own villages and communities.
The greatest logistical challenge was how to monitor all these youth once they were in the field,
implementing the 5H program. One of my friends made an ingenious observation — the ones who were diligently filing weekly reports were the ones not doing any work, whereas the ones who were really active had no time to write reports (of course, the local administration would give us glowing reviews, confidentially!)
Most people I know are really fond of making to-do lists. Really really fond of them — I know, I used to be like that too. The moment something was not going right in life, what did we do? We sat down and decided to tackle the problem head-on…by making a to-do list — “when i do such-and-so, and when i get up at this-and-that time, and when i lose xyz kilos, everything will be perfect, and I won’t feel guilty any more” “I have to finish blah-blah jobs by this evening, I
must reply to all these mails within two days, I must clear my inbox by the end of this week, ” and so on…..
…and that’s usually where the buck stops! Now that the to-do list is made, i can go on repeating the exact same patterns, but this time with the justification, or false reassurance, that I have a Plan to get out of it. Have you ever thought that its actually the to-do list that keeps you
where you are?
Ok I know some of you are going to give me the spiel about setting a deadline, ticking off completed tasks, having goals yadda yadda, but this post is simply about the mindset that says to us — “I do have a plan to get this done, and I am gonna get around to it…sometime!”
Fact is, its only going to get done when you DO IT.
Here’s hoping that all your to-do lists are converted to Its-Done lists 🙂
And now, gooooooddd niiiiiitttteeee yaaaawwwwwnnnn zzzzzzz…..
Fairly true 🙂
haha Wonderful Post bhaiya…just looveeeeeed reading it!! hmmmm
and I also want to read about your personal experiences and the kinds of books you read and you know all that basically what make you , YOU..I mean you are sooo charming 🙂
Jai Gurudev
A very relevant point. Procrastination is a common habit among a lot of well-meaning people. Small things, postponed, add up to a lot, some day.
Yes Bhaiya,
This was running in my mind since quite some days.
You said “I still have to post about being in Shirdi with Guruji” in the post titled kudosI was thinking most of it should be out of your mind. It might not be but that is what happens with me. A very good post on a topic take shape in my mind with al the quotes, stories and links for Shirdi Sai Baba blog. Then i say to myself great post indeed, will write it tomorrow, next day everything is gone. There is no zest. What to do ? It’s gone, wait for next post to build up, meditate on the SatChitAnand and wait for it to happen. So even if it happen at 2 in the night, log on and the fingers starts moving on their own, the work gets complete.
Ok so now if i want to do study and suppose i plan out what all needs to be done, then do i need to make the ‘to-do-list’ or should i make the ‘done-list’
I am super confused as to why doesn’t the ‘to-do-list’ works…i have tried it out many many many times…but its like i have hardly ever achieved my targets 🙂
Your answers can do wonders for me, as i am in the middle of my University Examination.
Love you for the effort you took to write this slightly confusing post so late at night 🙂
Jai Gurudeva 🙂
Amazing.. Should say….. it was just coolest of the posts you have written.. simple and the best!!
I Read it today morning only and implemented since my submissions are going on…too Good….Vikram Bhaiya….instead of writing wats to be done,i wrote wats to be done and it was such a relief… 🙂
Love,Jai Gurudeva 🙂
Swapnil 🙂
I was about to prepare a to do list.. after putting off an important task today.. its late nite now.. but i thank you.. i ll put it on its done list before i go to bed…
“getting things done, the art of stress free productivity” deals with the subject. i find the book useful. i don’t think this is procrastination. but true that senior executives have to deal with too much coming at them every day and to do lists are ineffective.
Whether you get things done or not is a matter of attitude, a to-do list is merely the means. If procrastination, is your vice, I agree, a to-do list is not likely to help. But for one who gets things done, like me :), a to-do list is a mighty help, especially to prioritise and accomodate the stuff which is eary to miss but makes you feel great if done. And yes, talking
of procrastination, the post about being in Shirdi with Guruji is long overdue.
Alpesh, Bidisha
I dont remember now what it was about Shirdi that I wanted to write. The visit itself was very special, as the temple authorities had invited Guruji to do the Palkhi puja. We had a mammoth satsang the previous evening, where Guruji eschewed singing, choosing instead to speak for over 45 minutes, focussing mainly on one thing — have faith that the divine will take care of you! The very next day in Ahmednagar, His talk was completely different — on a variety of topics ranging from governance, genetically modified food, education, global warming, responsibility and good citizenship. In both places, over 1500 people came and gave their names to our volunteers, saying that they would like to become AOL teachers to spread this message of Guruji’s. For me, the trip was extra special as I flew with Him in the helicopter, which meant that in three weeks I had 3 helicopter rides, two flights and one private jet flight with Him — most excessive even by my standards!
For Tina too, the Shirdi trip was special, as Guruji had this extremely interesting conversation with her, where he described how tough the job of a Guru actually is. He actually cited Shirdi Sai Baba’s example, saying that people don’t leave the Guru even after His demise, they expect Him to be on the job always!! She was super moved 🙂
Lastly, an honest confession — I love making to-do lists, especially since it allows me to buy cool stationery (fountain pen on paper any day, guys!) and yes, ticking off the “done” ones is a thrill, always.
Loved reading your reply Bhaiya,
Well we can always enjoy buying good stationery and a fountain pen. And the thrill of ticking off “done”. Somehow it does not work for writing.
So the stationery can be used for a to do list something like
* buy coffee powder from Cafe coffee day (it helps to keep awake while writing)
* The fridge needs to be filled with (the names of things i love to eat and drink)
things that should not go to the to do list are something like
* Will meditate
* will read
* will play on my guitar and sing
* will let my wife know that i love her
——am in a lighter mood so dribbled something rather than put it on to do list
Bang on ! Good blog.Well, i too have a problem of procrastination and what we do with problems is to surrender them to Guruji. So, during my last advance course, i surrendered this problem and He replied “Would you like if your milkman postpones delivering milk to you in the morning ? Would you like it if your newspaper boy procrastinates his work ?”