One of my favourite songs, by Joni Mitchell, is Both Sides Now — which talks about how life is full of paradox, humour and change (the same three principles which are outlined so well in the movie The Peaceful Warrior) and concludes with “I guess I don’t know life at all” And yet, this is a note of optimism and wonder, not despair or frustration — there is so much to live through and imbibe each moment of every day — wish one had the luxury of only studying throughout life!
In the past few weeks, I have been busy teaching not only a Part 1 course, but also several thought-provoking sessions with AOL teachers and volunteers. At each step, we were overwhelmed by the depth and magnitude of the knowledge which Guruji has been transmitting to us so simply and effortlessly all these years, and which seems impossible to absorb. It’s like the salt doll exploring the nature of the ocean — in knowing the ocean, it loses its own identity, and then its last grain ceases to exist, it is nothing but ocean.
On more terrestrial terms, I have been re-evaluating my life in terms of changing paradigms of technology (shall write more on this later — TED has some interesting views on it) and relearning my entire way of organising my life — work, sports, family — everything operates
on different rules these days, and often it is just the abject refusal to adapt to these changes that insulates and eventually isolates us from a teeming ocean of life and activity around us.
I’m particularly impressed with the new iPhone, which has taken the whole concept of user interfacing to an otherworldly level — now this is often the only thing I carry with me, replacing a notebook/planner, camera, ipod, laptop, novels and magazines! Increasing amounts of my work are stored in a virtual “cloud” that I can freely access and share from anywhere at anytime.
Basically this frees me up to “be creative” at all times — not just when I am with paper and pen or guitar and recorder and so on. At the same time, it also pains me that most of India lives in such poverty and deprivation while a very select few of us enjoy cutting-edge technology and its apparent attendant benefits. Our goal must be to reconcile these conflicting areas of our countrymen’s lives before we can truly call ourselves “developed”.
I also finally joined Facebook, almost exclusively for my schoolfriends and family; and it has been rewarding having all of them in such a close virtual loop. Sorry, but I have closed off FB access to most people, as I still feel that my public interaction is best served through this blog, and through your questions and responses.
My band’s sound continues to evolve, and an uncanny energy has pervaded recent concerts, even corporate audiences have been stunned into reverie, as a palpable Grace floods the hall and elevates each soul.
What next, I ask, along with all of you?
And the answer is still a wonder — I don’t know 🙂
Jai Gurudev
Technology has entered our life like a lightning And keep changing fast.
This is the first time I am posting on your blog,have been a fan of your voice for quite sometime now.Your “Maine socha na tha” to Guruji moves me to tears of gratitude and am one with Guruji everytime I hear it,feel entwined in his grace whenever I listen to that one by you…..exactly my feelings for him… amazed by the wonder of it all.
Just recently during one of our long kriyas our teacher said how guruji’s grace flows in mysterious ways…..I have felt this divine gaze(grace) in more instances than one in the past week……am compelled to say his grace flows through the wings of a sparrow & the genuine prayer in my lips, though I never am regular with my everyday kriya……his love is unconditional……wanting me to discipline myself to a regular kriya everyday……I feel so protected in his love,for me he is mishievous and ever loving Krishna and the gentle strength and all empowering love of Shree Annapoorneshwari (my favorite goddess) rolled into one……if you have read Amar chitra katha when you were young & if you read “Mirabai” there is a picture in the center page where Krishna comes from behind and embraces Mira as she is about to jump into water with no desire to live….in many ways Guruji’s love is as beautiful……just innocent,sweet and endearing where many a times I feel like resting on his shoulder like I would with a good friend and sharing all my fears and anxieties and he smiles and says “Its going to be O.K” and it always is…is’nt that why he is my best friend… down to earth legend… guruji.May all of us recieve his grace each and every day.Jai Gurudev!
After a long wait another wonderful post bhayya
Often luxuriating amidst trendy elctronic gadgetry, playstations and luxury cars, the very thought of that srata of society deprived of basic needs of life invokes a feeling of guilt in me.
And of couse bhayya the vastness of gurujis knowledge sometimes is very difficult to absorb. Even being an AOL teacher!!!!
With inspiring ones like u around to lead us from front i am optimistic about the future of Bhaarath.
What next is unpredictable. And that is the beauty of life.
Please do post such interesting ones at least once in a week
lots of luv
AOL Teacher
Wayanad, Kerala
Hpoe your writting on this blog also continue to evolve as the band’s sound. 🙂
Jai Gurudev.
Vikarm Bhaiya…. it’s such a pleasure to read your experiences and thoughts…
your writing is making me appreciate life better and WONDER 🙂
Lucky to have joined AOL family and came in contact with highly eveolved Human Beings like you. Thanks for everything Bhaiya 🙂
I feel the same.:-)
wow vikram bhaiya am in kind of the same position looking at life for the last few weeks and yes i saw u on fb and added u as well u neednt accept it if u dont want 2…i have also been asking the question what’s next and come up with the same answer- i let each day unravel a new thing 2 me…
i unfortunately donot possess an iphone anymore but the new samsung omnia is terrific and cutting edge as well yes we have quite a long way to go before we become materialistically developed like u mean
but in a country ours even the monetarily poorest of the poor is stillspiritual and am sure with great souls like Guruji and his messengers like u who are working towards a bettre future for india… awesome post made me realise and introspect a lot..
Jai Gurudev..Vikram Bhaiyya…Yeh Dil mange more…Lots of learning can happen through these technological evolution…as now Guruji says anything on the planet & its comes to us through the Wisdom blog. Request you to pl. share more from your interections/sessions with teachers & volunteers.I think it will give lots of enthusiasms to those who are working alone or at far distances..JGD
Heard you sing Both Sides Now in the CD which was made of your concert at Hongkong. The lyrics are by far one of the most meaningful I must have heard and its also so true for all of in the Art Of Living fraternity to relate to, as you said above.
Jai Gurudev
hope u enjoyed the sri sri yoga course. I was there for an advnaced program at the ashram over the weekend
i dont know if you know but pulpable grace floods and elevates each soul while listening to your music.. whenever you sing this is the effect.. even on a CD..i have seen this with non-aol ppl also 🙂
An extract from this blog, such a beautiful thought that had to put it here again.. 🙂
“I guess I don’t know life at all” And yet, this is a note of optimism and wonder, not despair or frustration — there is so much to live through and imbibe each moment of every day — wish one had the luxury of only studying throughout life!
Thanks for the UPDATE….with this update we hope to UPDATE our own lives ….pranams to you sir….and thanks again ….
regards chandru
may be next gens ar to come 🙂
Hello, I must say that Both Sides Now is one of my favourite songs as well.. very close to my heart indeed! And I think it could not have found me at a better time in my life.. the last couple of years especially have been a journey of wonder and of finding my way home, a true journey of self-realization, with AOL and otherwise. I have never met you but have seen you in some very beautiful satsang performances on youtube, and needless to say, very glad to be one of your many admirers. Thank you for all the wisdom you share on your blog. God bless. 🙂
Cheers, Archana H.
wow!!…such a beatiful song it is…jus heard it on youtube in ur voice!! 🙂