Thank you all! I must inform you that we lost two of Tina’s jijaji’s friends (yes, he skipped the dinner and was thus saved!) who were shot in Leopold, while a third is struggling with four shots to the leg. Also, two very close friends were trapped in the Taj hotel all night and evacuated this morning; cdnt mention this y’day due to security reasons.
Rintu, I too feel that if all good citizens get together in a show of strength and muscle, then people wd not dare to offend this country again. We cd be peaceful from within, see them all as part of Brahman, and then skin the buggers alive!!! 🙂 i think Krishna wd like that!
I feel in this respect that our police and army have done a sterling job under the circumstances, and deserve more respect than they get — too often their hands are tied.
While I was working in the North-East for several years, I met an Army officer who told me that if they were given the permission, they could eliminate all terrorists/insurgents within two years — yet they were under “orders from higher-ups” not to act!! It’s a huge web of corruption and treason which goes to the highest levels of our so-called leadership, and needless to say it is the common man who suffers quietly.
Last night a friend of ours stayed over, this morning at nine am her driver unexpectedly came to fetch her! When we scolded him for venturing out, he said, “yeh sab to hota hi rahta hai” — it was an ironic balance of resignation and resilience.
We Bombayites-Mumbaikars will go to work tomorrow, we will shop, we will watch movies. I shall sing to celebrate the 75th birthday of a very good friend of mine — if those dumbasses thought they would create panic, then they obviously thought wrong — all they have created is a vow to avenge, to fight back and to ensure that at least the citizens of India shall uphold her honour, even if her leaders cannot!
Jai Hind
This is the sad part – that we have become so accustomed to terror attacks and each one feels that “this cannot happen to me – I am above all this” till it happens to me. All of us (each one of us included) will let this fire of vengence die and get on with our lives; till it happens again.
The politicians who sell us out now will again come into power again and will sell us out again. We will again get on with our lives calling ourselves resilient. I don;t remember the last time we – as a nation – were moved collectively; maybe it was when former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated. Even then the party that came into power was happy that the “sympathy vote” was them.
It is so sad to see the charade the politicians – including the bigwigs in New Delhi are putting up and trying to garner support for electoral gains in this tragedy. Even if they are saying that they are all united in his, you can shades of blame already being passed around. Again those who are caught in between are the poor cops who are doing their best in every possible situation.
Is there a solution for all this?
reproduced on my blog
True but I hope this time people will really say theyve had enough. We have been working at solutions at the grassroots level for a while now but its a long and excruciating process — too many roadblocks but am still optimistic. Especially now since more and more young, educated people are waking up to the grim ground realities and choosing to participate. Let’s keep the fire burning — online and otherwise!
bhaiya, now it is known that all the terrorists are pakistanis ,now what can be line of action from our side.Should’nt we go and start war on terror as America did to Afganistan and Iraq or we should continue negotiating hoping some day the things will change.
The time has come now to react and not just get used to all these worst happenings.
The fire has to be in every Indian in country and abroad.It really turns out the negative attitude towards the life when such things continue to happen.
We as AOL family should definitely do something towards all.We are with you.
JGD…I think its the dirty politics again that stares us in our eyes yet again…After what happened in Ahmedabad and Delhi (Surat was quick to respond) newspapers had reported that the next target could be Mumbai..They should have been alert and it could have saved many lives..
But no, elections are coming na !! Thats what they care about….I am surprised the way they campaign … Delhi has progressed with Metro and sky scrapers!! ….What about the blasts and the terror encounters???? I was in a bus when blasts happened in Delhi and I must say its horrifying..
“Jaya Bachan should not speak in Hindi!!” gr8, she should learn French and German.. Keep on discussing such topics and our nation is growing..India Shining(In Newspapers and in Media all around the world)!!
They increase the security when all is done…Its really amazing that anybody can carry anything in our trains and buses..No checking whatsoever..Even after so much has happened…
I just hope that the situation changes…
May God bless us all.
Jai Gurudev.
I particularly agree wid the last para of ur post;life wil definitely resume to normal sooner than they thought,but wil leav a mark on all minds. Mumbai is known for tht quality of livin thru disasters and moving on, ‘spirit of mumbai’ as they call it. But this time ther are loads of ppl who are sick of the ‘stoic mumbai’ tag. Its good to be resilient,but only so tht v can gain ctrl of emotions and act.
All the awareness–online,wil definitely help keep the fire burning–online and otherwise
dearest bhaiya , its true tht the spirit of mumbai will never die n tht everybody will start livin their life normally n may be happily.
but wat abt the people who died in this attack??
cant we eliminale these dumbasses totally??
cant we have a “terrorist free ” society ??
cant these so called politians n leaders of the whole world get together and finish thm ??
bhaiya as time passes mind starts acceptin situation but heart cries for victims n for our failure.
may GURUJI give thm PEACE
..I met an Army officer who told me that if they were given the permission, they could eliminate all terrorists/insurgents within two years — yet they were under “orders from higher-ups” not to act!!….
This is a very interesting revelation. The north-east in particular get hundreds of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants coming in each year and the politicians turn a blind eye because they are only adding to their vote bank. I wonder how it is to live a life of a politician – to be in power, to sit on heap loads of corrupt money, to see wrong happening all around and yet not do anything inspite of being in “power” to change things. And they know well that people hate them for that. That must be a pretty shameful shitty life. Can everyone please resolve to actively vote? That is probably the very first step we as good citizens as take. The politicians then wont need to appease the so called ‘minorities’ just for the sake of votes….
JGD bhaiyya there are 3 types of ppl
1.those who dont understand what is happenning .it is not affecting their life any ways .
2.ppl sitting infront of their television talking discussing and arguing ,giving their valuable opinion …but not doing anything .
3 ppl thinking” ya to kuch karo ya chup raho “those who want to do something what can they do ???plzz guide
India has faced invasions from the north west for thousands of years (remember ‘Alexander the Great’)? We have not learnt our lessons even today. These type of incidents will keep on happening till we know and understand that
‘Eternal vigilence is the price you pay for Freedom’ (for example ‘Israel’).
Why is it that we do not learn from Israel? A small country, totally surrounded by ‘enemies’ and still no one dare attack them.
We have had the benefit of having Chanakya amongst us in the past. World has not seen a greater and wiser statesman than him even upto today. Why can’t we follow him?
Kaushik Shah
Well written Bhaiya !! Lets keep the fire burning !! we shall use this chance to get everyone together and show the power that india wouldn’t tolerate this crap anymore be it congress or BJP !!
India govts response to terrorism has been always reactive , and never proactive and sustained. The govt hasnt taken terror seriously yet. Its time we stopped appeasement ,and cleaned up every corner of the country. On taking office in 2004, one of
the first acts of the ruling Congress party was to scrap a federal anti terrorism law that strengthened witness protection and enhanced police powers.BJP too hasnt done anything done much for terrorism too. . Freedom of speech shouldn’t be stretched to the level that people like Zakir naik can give pro terrorism talks. Its time to do a clean sweep .
Pak govt says they don’t know anything and they themselves are the victims. Well we know this originated in their soil. India must get come together with UK , US and Israel and convince and push Pak to allow US troupes to enter the country and do a cleanup sweep of Afghanistan and Pakistan and even India.
Mumbai might go to work tomorrow but that has nothing do with a brave spirit. A 100 people died , but i shall go to work. Do we do this if someone dies at home ? This is just helplessness. This is an opportunity for the whole country to come together ,stop political games and show that India can fight and avenge. We can kill. Utitsha Arjuna !!
bhaiya skin the buggers alive – isnt that too strong a statement?
in the post u are agreeing to rintu’s idea of violent backlash? does art of living accepts violnce as one of the solution? but guruji strictly propagates non violence, doesn’t he?
Raja I loved your comments “We’ll look at them as Brahman and skin them alive”! Dude thanks for an absolutely scintillating Satsang. This one goes down for the books. Everyone has been chanting praises about the event and the fastest selling Cds at the divine shop that evening were yours! Will upload some of the videos that we made and put it on youtube and FB. Remembering you and in gratitude.
Vikram, You are right. Bombayites, or Mumbaikars, are a resilient lot. While they may not forget the horror of these attacks for a long time, they will overcome this terror and Bombay will continue to go on being the wonderful and great city that it is.
Bhya, Jai Guru Dev!
Why cant we bring this fact about the politicians being involved in terrorist activity, to the media?I am sure people in media knew about this.Are they invlolved in it as well or do they have no backbone to take up such stuff?..what is it?I am planning to get into media..(print I mean)but this is so discouraging to see, how media goes over the top with some non issues and some which are so vital dont ever come into the picture.
JGD Bhaiyya ..
So true .. being spiritual doesn’t mean we need to be passive .. it was so pathetic to see the statements given by our so called home minister Shivraj patil and our puppet prime minister …. Good to see him sent “Home” …. but I feel we need to really take up charge of this country ourselves ….. we must vote for a change of leadership …
Bhaiya – my first comment on your blog. Thanks for bringing this subject up and being so candid about how these terrorist should be treated.
I believe bigger culprits are those who brain-wash these youth, mislead them to hate India, hate Hindus. And even worst are those politicians, who just sit and knowingly let these forces wage a war against our nation!
What are our options? Why dont we have some of the educated, sane, honest Indians unite and get into politics? Whey dont we have alternatives when it comes to elections? Its foolish to expect a different result, if we repeat the same thing over and over (elect corrupt, soul-sold-for-money politicians). Why is it soo difficult for true honest, nation-loving Indians to unite and have a voice. I think its difficult because we are looking for a leader to unite us. We are waiting for someone to come and bring us together. I really wonder whats the solution here.
Guru ji, your grace is needed here!! Make us all your instrument and help us help our country.
We have alot of nation loving people in this country..just dont know how to direct our energies to get some meaningful results.
I guess we can all start by being good parents to our children, teaching them to love and respect our culture, have them fall in love with our nation! Atleast thats what I am doing that as a mother of two young girls.
And the other thing we need is a very strong and vocal media house that represnts our voice. That thinks like us and spreads awareness about true India and true Hinduism through Newpaper, TV, Advertisement.
Current Media is sold out to foreign money and home-grown traitors (read politicians).
Army and Judiciary are two intstitutions that we can still trust and respect. Look at Thailand..the court brought down the government:
“The prime minister of Thailand resigned Tuesday after the nation’ s Constitutional Court banned him from office and dissolved three political parties involved in his ruling coalition, concluding that the government was involved in vote buying and other irregularities in last year’s elections.”
cant wait to see our judiciary to take a srep like this!!
Jai Hind.
When you encounter a terrorist on the street it is too late to preach non-violence to him; as Guruji says “You cant learn archery on the battlefield!” However, we must strive to instill these principles in our children from an early age so that they cannot be brainwashed later by self-serving interests.