About Vikram Hazra
As Program Director of the International Art of Living Foundation, I travel, teach, sing, smile and serve, and strive to excel as an instrument of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, whose goal is to put the smile back on every face on this planet.
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I missed it. My name appears in 3 different booths !!! one of them I had submitted forms to delete the names about 3 years back. At my new place i find myself appearing under 2 different polling booths with incorrect information, either first name wrong or second name wrong or fathers name wrong…..
And Mumbai voter turn out is 47% may be significant number of non voters must have had this same problem.
Jai Gurudev
You are smart.Showing 2 fingers 😉
V for Victory
V for Victory!!!
hey bhaiya,
i also voted yesterday. . .and even i enjoyed the process..first time that i voted…it was sad t see that there was a fight between a voter,who was drunk,and the govt. officers inside the booth,,,all shouting,hitting that man,abusing…and the police personell standing ‘outside’ the booth were having a good view of the whole issue,hands by their back,guns hanging on their shoulder…this really put me off…i had t speak out loud t let us vote when the issue was resolved and people inside were wasting time discussing the issue….we also had a blast in Jangipore area,where one died…..
my voting was peaceful though…..
lots a love,
JaiGuruDeva !
looking like a responsible citizen.
jai gurudev
Why did Guruji’s prediction that BJP will come to power and congress will be routed go wrong.
Dear paramartha
To be perfectly honest; I spent a lot of time with Guruji before the elections, both in India and abroad. At no time did he mention this kind of comment to me. I am aware that many overenthusiastic AOLites went overboard in this matter, and I hope they have learnt two valuable lessons from this — 1. A Guru does not take sides; His job is to bless everyone equally
2. These are opportunities for us to learn to “see the world through the eyes of the Master” ie without bias, and with a subtle perception of a deeper, divine law or principle that operates throughout nature.
Well said bhaiyya
PS I am a huge fan of your singing and want to attend a satsang with you..when are u coming to Delhi/nearby for a satsang
Jai Guru Dev
To day I saw your blog for the th e first time. it is amazing to have a communcation thru this.
what are the course locations in mumbai in next week july 28- aug 2 week. i may be in mumbai.
Vinod Sarawagi (Bhaya)
you r still cooool man….
If I see it suddenly it looked as if the nail was 2 feathers of a dart and did some photoshop … I had to read the comments to realize the truth 🙂