My dear friends Rajita and Ajay Bagga were among the fortunate survivors from the Taj, after spending the entire night there. She sent her inspiring, cathartic experience to us today, and has graciously allowed me to share this intensely personal message with you all. Raju, we are so glad that you and Ajay are safe, and join you in thanking Guruji. Truly, there is a huge task ahead, and will need all our combined strength to accomplish.
“Dearest Ones
Jai Gurudev
There are no words to describe what we are going through after our miraculous escape after 12 hours in captivity at the Taj.
There is still a sense of daze & shock, there is fear ( after the continous sounds last 60 hours of grenades and gun firing) even the sound of a spoon falling is alarming, anger & rage at the total breakdown of security and the system , but above all, there is a huge huge huge huge sense of gratitude.
Gratitude to Guruji for giving us another life. As more is being revealed, 4 terrorists were in the kitchen of the chambers , just about 10 feet from the room we were in.They killed the chefs there. There was nothing stopping them from just turning left and come our way. It was almost like some indescribable force was between them and us. Knowledge of living in the present moment and present moment is inevitable was never never before a living reality for us. When they evacuated us after 12 hours, there was blood ,broken glass pieces, grenade remnants all strewn across the corridor outside our room. That’s how close they came.
When we did come out and escaped another round of fresh firing at us as we were walking outside the Taj, the 1st call just that moment we got was from Guruji confirming that we were out and safe. It was almost as though He had escorted us out ! I was so shaken , I could barely stand let alone speak and He said to me, “When I am with you, how can anything touch you.come on be brave . Kya darti hai, main hun na “
Throughout the night, Bhanudidi kept calling and smsing us , giving us courage and encouragement. Giving us the confidence that we would be out surely. It seemed surreal then, but she kept telling me to be bold and support others. It was like being scooped in a blanket of grace and love. In every Part 2 course, I have learnt to sleep with a blanket of grace. Believe me, I can tell you with certainity that it was ON us that night
Through the night all of you kept calling us ,smsing us and telling us how much you are praying for us . Our parents,brothers ,sisters,sisters in law, little nephews and nieces from UK…….your voices gave us life & kept us going.
We were giving healing to the bullet hit, teaching deep breathing to some young boys with us to calm them down, teachimg mudras to control bladders to the old, all the while literally hanging on to each other ,holding hands tight and continuously chanting jai gurudev. My tongue continues to move in that chant in a almost pavlovian way even now
Even after we came out, all of you kept calling and supporting us. Hearing the concern and love in your voice was deeply humbling and moving for us. Anna kept refocusing my attention by talking about designing the Mandir for our new home to asking what I cooked ! Each one of you has kept reassuring us . This love is our only true treasure
I have no idea what we have done to deserve all this outpour of your love, concern,good wishes. We are just so grateful to you. It is the strength of your sadhana and sankalpa that rescued 100 of us that fateful thursday morning. As you know only about 8 people have come out alive from the taj after that
Many many people we know, top lawyers,bankers ,leading business heads have not been as lucky as us. They were victims of indiscriminate firing. Dalus son Shaan and daughter Shivanis 4 friends have losts either both or one set of parents.3 of our friends were stuck in Trident and rescued only yesterday morning after 36 hours and are in deep trauma
Writing this is a cathartic experience for me.
Going through this, a jolting wake up call to appreciate the value of every living moment of life, the indispensiblity of spreading knowledge URGENTLY, and above all deeply appreciating the love that surrounds us
We remain in Gratitude to you all FOREVER . Lifetimes will not suffice us to repay this love
Apart from our anniversary, Ajay and I now share a birthday too.Nov 27th
Love from the deepest depths of our heart
Rajita & Ajay”
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
I really had goosebumps reading the post and tears in my eyes thinking about the infinite Grace of Guruji. I can just say Jai Gurudev.
vikram bhaiya thanks for sharing this. along with being overwhelmed i am very energized to accomplish the task at hand.
Unimaginable !!!
it is beyond my imagination that how worst the situation you guys might have faced.and like every time Guruji has showed us the presence of GOD in the world.He is watching each one of us at every moment.This experience is not only yours but its for all of us to see how the miracles happens.May Guruji always keep you happy and yes,
“Wish you both a very Happy Birthday “
The life jacket of love and Grace… that which helps us stay afloat..
It was overwhelming to read this email..
Jai Gurudev!
JaiGurudev! Just reading this has changed my life. No words to describe the gratitude i felt for HIM. JAIGurudev! AFter going through whats been happening I was feeling a bit helpless but after reading this experience I am reassured that we can and we will accomplish the task of clearing out this mess thats going on. JAiGurudev!
Hmmmm……….I am speechless…but still want to say….JAI GURU DEV !!!!!!!
thanks for sharing this exp ….
One of our frnds was shot at Leopold…his leg bone shattered completely and docs have put a steel rod…my brothers boss managed to escape/be rescued..he was held by terrorists alongwith some frenchmen at I think Trident..we havenet been able to spk with him.. Two our cousins were lucky to leave early from Taj and VT..My brother works very late normally..they are working out of obroi currently..but somehow he left early that day…else he would have been there and God knows what would have befallen..he saw some of the oberoi staff running out of basement and screaming…but they went in again..then he doesnt know what happened to them..I am feeling terribly outraged.
A big big THANK YOU to Guruji, but for HIM it would have been an ordeal to go with the ups and downs in this material world. Its crazy how people fight in the name of the ONE Almighty who is all love and compassion for HIS people! May wisdom prevail among all…
Jai Gurudev, I’m in office and can’t stop the tears rolling down !! My office guys are even more confused coz i’m laughing as well !! Guruji, you are with all of us all the while. Bless us all and guide us.
Jai Gurudev.
wow …all I need is a sharing like that to reaffirm my faith in Guruji ! Sometimes I think – these senior teachers have it easy – just miracles happening – not being tested like I think I am right now – not WOW !!!!!!
Jai Guru Dev,
truly amazing!!
Dear bhaiya, prasanna here, volunteer in chennai, in tears when i read this post, feel so greatful,so inspiring it is.
“Main hu na”… hes always there… indeed its high time to sent out the message of love. JAI GURUDEV!
truly said-“When I am with you, how can anything touch you.come on be brave . Kya darti hai, main hun na “..i think this msg is for all of us!!thx bhaiya 4 sharing it..the faith is becoming more stronger day by day..even i was suppose to go to colaba causeway on wednesday..i dont know what made me stop!!:)
The divine was there to see you through and so were these angels of divine who risked their lives to rescue you. The sacrifice of those who laid down their lives to protect and rescue the victims of this tragedy should not be in vain and definitely should not be forgotten.
Let’s make sure of this!
Jai Gurudev!
Jai Gurudev
really couldn’t control the tears while reading this one…How His grace flows….we are so lucky to be born at a time when we have Him with us….
me Anjana Di and Vivek Bhaiya were travelling from a Yes!+ in Dombivali when we heard the news…but i was so assured…i was so sure that nothing will happen to me…that nothing will touch me because i have Him with me….that sense of protection i have never felt before…its so amazing what Guruji has done to our lives….
Thanx for sharing this Bhaiya….
dearest bhaiya,
thnk u for sharin this experience , it really gives us HOPE and LOVE tht GURUJI has for everyone of us..
Your Song, Amaaaazing Graaaace!! rings in my ears and eyes are moist with Image of Guruji on mind! Yes reselience grows to spread love, not terror!
I met Ajay briefly in 2006, when he spoke at a conference I organized for my ex-company (Talisma). What an insightful speaker and humble man! Heard him on NDTV last night too – and inspired enough to try to give back to society in my own small ways. I’m so happy for Ajay and Rajita. God Bless.
– Nagarjun, Bangalore.
I couldn’t hold back tears after reading this
Poor child, losing his parents in this manner is the ultimate tragedy
Guruji cares so much for us……..
love u guruji….
thnx dada for sharing….
jai gurudeva
Vikram Bhaiya,
The lines have left me speechless, with tears streaming down my face … The gratitude and bliss I am experiencing right at this moment can’t be captured in words…
I know, no matter what happens my guru is taking care every moment, always.
Thank you for sharing this overwhelming experience.
Jai gurudev!
Love and prayers.
i am so speechless cant express in words much but Guruji is the ocean of compassion , hope, peace , love and light what the world needs today and yes Guruji,s grace is what keeps me afloat all the time JAI JAI JAI JAI Gurudev…..
I cannot express my fellings in words… however, Guruji’s message of love, compassion and peace is what is the need of this day and age and it is Guruji’s grace that keeps me afloat in this terrible world JAI JAI JAI JAI Gurudev
Hi Vikram,
Thnx for sharing this with us….like all of us, I am overwhelmed….how HE has been taking care of each one of us….Rajita’s experience makes me very silent from within…… yet I share the same sentiments of yours….as a Brahman, we love & embrace everyone, but when needed, we take a stand like Krishna & fight to clean a Kurukshetra….we need to take action…we need to stand up & deliver….we need to voice the need for a change.
Love & Jgd,
Jai Guru Dev….Eyes filled with tears,heart full of gratitude and with a “tunderbolt sankalpa” to wash out all the anti divine forces from this Mother Earth by all HIS instruments.JGD
Its really so easy to say that ,”I can understand what you are going through”.BUt no one even dream of what sort of trauma ajay da and rajita di would have gone through.But we can ensure that this sort of tragic incident doesnt occur again by getting a Goverment who can take measure to screw the bugger so that they can’t even think of doing this sort of acts again.SO VOTE FOR A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOU,YOUR COUNTRY. jaigurudev !!!!!!!!!
thanks vikram bhaiya…an awesome experience reading the article…..i just feel so lucky to be a part of this..with lots of gratitude….jai guru dev..
Really amazed to read this… Jai Gurudev..
JGD Vikrambhaiya
Thanks for sharing this
I have captured Rajitaji and Ajayji’s experience video from last Sunday satsang at AoL Bangalore Ashram.
You and all readers can watch it. Refer my blog