If you have any specific questions on any topic, be it spiritual knowledge, music, photography, community service activities etc, pleeeeze do send them.
[contact-form to=’vikramandtina@gmail.com’ subject=’Questions from the blog’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your Questions…’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
I shall do my best to answer them on the blog. In our shastras it is recommended not to give knowledge unless there is a sincere query, so do send them in!When you email the question mail them with “Questions for blog” as the subject line, so that it becomes easier to distinguish among the other mails.I shall start with a question for you — what is “a life of shibumi”?Below is the list of the links to the questions answered.
I will start with a blog post of Questions and Answers with Pujya Guruji, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, on my birthday, from Banglore Ashram via iphone.
- Guruji’s answers of different topics : Why sometimes questions are answered and sometimes not? – Questions on Siddhi (Spiritual or occult powers) – When people try to take advantage on humbleness. – About real Guru and true disciple – sign of the dawning of wisdom – truth behind this Universe? Is everything an illusion? – ultimate goal of meditation? ——— QnA with Guruji on my b’day
- First set of questions and Answers. – Posted from Shatabdi Express, somewhere between Agra and Delhi. Question on topics like – songs sung in the name of Devi and Durga? – What is the use of Marathons? People do Marathon on Child Labour or some social event. – कर्मंयेवाधिकारास्ते माँ फलेषु कदाचन – माँ कर्मफल हेतुर्भूहू माँ ते संगोस्त्व कर्मणि – How do we achieve balance in this? – Guruji’s talk about different karma – Finally, the first set of Q&A: Hope you like them
- Q&A 2 – Question topics – some photography tips on the blog – difference between a sadhak and a bhakta – I knew that I had to become an AOL teacher – Am I real for Guruji or just a dream (Maya)? -Is Guruji real for me or just a dream (Maya)? -Jai Gurudev – Questions and Answers 2
- Here is a question i posted
– Anyone for lunch?
- Q and A 3 – peace and violence – What is service ? Do you even inspire yourself for service ? – Tell me 1 thing, y does divine make u fall into same bad situations again n again…..? – Should you let go or should you fight for the truth? – Questions and Answers 3.
- Questions from a seeker – About Faith – About being Enlightened – Advance course during Guruji’s birthday in Ashram – Depressed during Guruji’s birthday. Questions from a seeker.
A life of Shibumi is a life of ”effortless perfection”.It is a life which has a spiritual tranquility without being passive.It is being without the angst of becoming.Authority without domination….a life full of qualities such as calmness, satisfaction, compassion, centeredness in other words life heading towards ”effortless perfection.”
Dear Vikram Bhaiya,
I started reading your web blogs only recently. I am in love with it and check every now and then for any recent activity :).
‘Life of Shibumi’
I googled the word and found its meaning is very close to ‘effortless perfection’. English is so unequipped to express the inexpressible. Guruji says only silence can answer the ultimate question and this has to be a discovery and not an achievement. Quite similarly, I think the answer to your question ‘What is a ‘life of Shibumi’?’ cannot really be expressed. The closest I could get is this. Trying to live life fully; with the complete knowledge of ‘the art of living’. And a living example is dear Guruji.
I think I have said too many words already :).
Jai Guru Dev
Jai Gurudev!!
I was not aware of this, i saw it few days back on your blog however could not make out. today i saw ur question and googled it and found this answer :Shibumi is a Japanese concept that suggests complete harmony, ranquility, and balance. It is “eloquent silence” and “understanding, rather than knowledge.”
Thats great of you Bhaiyah..
Jai Gurudev!
Jai Gurudev!
You wont believe it but when I saw the new look of your blog, i checked the meaning of shibumi in wikipedia!!
To answer your Question :
According to Wikipedia,
“shibumi (渋味, shibumi?) (noun), is a Japanese word which refers to a particular aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty.”
So, I guess a life of shibumi means a life of simple, subtle and unobtrusive beauty…like how it life appears during/after an advanced course( I dont know Japanese but this is how it felt)
Life of a Shibumi…
one tht is ” untouched ” by the water surrounding it…
just going with the flow … Smiling all the way…
Thanks folks: wonderful answers! I like the way sathya has expressed it. Shibu was the first to post but the v obvious cut-paste-from-google-link may not hv been the coolest thing to do
jgd life of shibumi what i found is difficult to explain , may easier to feel .to the closest it is the life where there no negativity..no jealousy no greed no attachmeent no entaglement no lust only love compassion consideration greatfulness .though its a japanese concept but i feel that we experience a glimps of this on the last days of our courses.jou peace enthusiasm and love …..jgd bhaiiya
Actually mamtaji the way yu hv described, may be contrary to the principles of shibumi and perhaps even the principles of aol. Many so-called devotees live in denial of the world around them, but if yu observe Guruji that is not how he functions at all. Wake up
Vikram ji, you have such a beautiful voice. It fills my heart. It is so difficult to describe the feeling while listening to songs you have sung. Aapki awaz mein saraswati ka niwas hain.
Bhaiya JGD,
Just wanted to inform you that the link to shoot the question is not that prominent considering the fact that the Font is small and that it is blue in color which is similar to most advertisements.
One thing is that I am not able to add ur blog onto my blog list. Have you blocked that facility ?? what i did now was sign up on the mail feeder, now i will get mailer updates instead.
Looking forward to attending one of your Satsangs soon.
Love you bhaiya.
@ Sharon Padmanabhan
We have noted the points. The blog will soon be going under some changes.
About adding the blog to the blog list. It should work. All you need to do is, after clicking add to list button, copy paste http://www.vikramhazra.com/ and then save button.
Namaste Vikram Bhai,
My mother and I have just recently seen your performances on tv on Shri Shri Ravishankarji’s Satsangs, and we are mersmerised by your bhajans and devotional songs. We are really interested in getting your CD with the devotional songs. Where are they available and how do I go about it?
Jai Guru Dev bhaiyya …..I have no questions ..???? idk before AOL i had alot of them n right now i feel like every question is no question….. no idea iI feel happy that i have no quetions to ask but why it is like this the only question i have now?????
muuawwwww love you mucho
JGD Vikram
What is the best camera to use for good picture (SLR or Not) what photo editing software do your use if any?
ps. I like the look of your new Blog
I know not you personally. But I absolutely love your songs. A month ago, I happened to fumble upon a youtube video…now, not a single day passes without listening to your songs.
my question [I don’t know how appropriate it is to ask, but I will]:
Dwaitha and Advaitha – I wonder what the difference is. Aren’t they both same in essence? my family has instilled in me the values of dwaitha philosophy ever since I was a child (I still am :D) These days when I listen to spiritual talks – most of them talk about non-duality. I know these are just concepts (reminds me of your song – Shabdon ke jungle mein…) and would make little difference in the spiritual journey. But it’s a little frustrating not to know what I believe in. You have an answer right? =)
– Love and Light
@All: Am preparing the next QnA based on the above questions and a few more that I have received, shd be up by day after tomm latest! JGD
I’ll be waiting
Vikram Ji, do you have an album with Kabir songs like Naiharwa?
JGD, Kumar from New York
JGD Bhaiya, where we can get all of your bhajan chords online.
Dear Vikram Bhaiya,
Jai Gurudev. I am in to Art Of Living since last 2 yrs, i have done Basic course , Advance Course as well as DSN . I was very in it .
But the main motive was to come out of anger & stress but i find people around me tellin that there is no change in me.
Pls. help to reduce my anger .
Thanks ,
Jgd bhaiya!Jai Shree Krishna! Missed conversing wit u after Seher. I want 2 thank u 4 inculcating all those Good thoughts n making each morning wonderfull at dat time.
I have a query-Is it ok 2 hav more than 1 Guru in one’s life? Jai Guru Dev!
Dear Vikram Bhaiya,
JGD. I recently attended the musical event at Singapore and I heard a bhajan of yours “Sarvam Brahma Mayam”. I want to know the lyrics of this bhajan and I also want to know if I can listen to it online somewhere.
Namaste Vikram Bhaiya,
Our baby’s environment is enriched with colorful books, toys, nursery rhymes & so on. BUT your silvery voice is a gift we’ve given to our daughter that we are sure to last her entire life. As a music-loving mom, I figure if I fill my daughter’s’ life with music now, it will remain.
By incorporating your selections as a routine part of her day helps to have her wrist or ankle rattles to move to the rhythm. It’s so enjoyable to see her absorbed.
When she would go through her crying spells, the gentle and lovely “Kali Durge”, would soothe our fussy baby. She would enjoy the sound of her parents singing to her – even if mum and dad can’t quite carry the tune.
Your tuneful singing contributes to a rich sensory environment for our baby. Once more, through your bhajans, our daughter is learning her culture. Your very touching music really helps with bonding.
Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable! We extend our warmest thanks to you and the many members of your team for all the committed work.
Many Thanks,
i cant find one of your bhajan..its a mix of a track ”love is all around me” i simply love the way you sung that.
Love Peace and Harmony
I’m amazed by the blessings of Guruji that your devotion is so genuine for the devine that it touches the soul…. I and my wife were devasted by the death of our only son last year on his way home from work by a speeding car with drunken youths at the steering who lost control …. life seemed over for us at a time we felt God had deluged us with happiness and satisfaction … but then one day I switched on one of your bhajans….trust me, peace that had abondoned me , haunting me day and night, engulfed me ….
I’m not sure whether my son was religious or not but he certainly was spiritual… a person who was loved by all who came to his fold…. his friends still come over on his special days & it has flashed my mind if ever I could have you in our midst in one of his special days… the day he was born to us and the day God called him off…we are not rich and cannot imagine the uneathly amounts a wedding or a festive occation would fetch… but knowing you through your selfless seva and devotion I do see a ray of hope… we are in kolkata and Guruji keeps blessing this soil at least once a year…. its a wish of a dad that I could spend a while with you… and meet my son in his new avtaar…
Jgd Bhaiya,You write so well! I had opportunity to attend a satsang with you at Mira Road recently..Kabir song you sung dat day ws just awesome..Can you please give a link to dat song on this blog? searched it on you tube but couldn’t find.
Also you mentioned about days with Guruji as ‘rahasya’..I often wondered about those days whenever I saw you all with Guruji on sanskar channel,listening to ‘Narad bhaki sutra’ on the banks of a river.. Can you share at least sumthing about those days? I am eagerly waiting to listen or read it..Jgd
Dear Vikram,
Are you still the Program Director of International Art of Living Foundation ?