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Here are some questions I was sent by a “seeker” yesterday; I suspect similar thoughts run through many other minds as well, so here is the mail, along with my replies: well, must say my answers are a lot shorter than the questions!
I am relatively new to AOL(only 1 yr) and I want to be sincere enough to admit that I dont have such GREAT faith in GURUji, as i cant see a bus coming on time for me when i go late to BUS stand as a miracle which i am sure many devotees explained to me as a miracle after coming to AOL, and i want to develop the faith with/without experiencing miracles.I am just being authentic (as GURU ji asked us to be in one of the talks) and truthful to myself. I dont feel the urge to run after his car and give him flower. I just dont feel like it and i am really jealous of the people who run behind his car just to give a flower. How can i develop so much love towards GURUji and faith?
A: I feel it is very shallow to see faith as being based solely on “miracles” and that too trivial ones. There is absolutely no need to run after your Guru; in fact usually it is more of a disturbance and an inconvenience to people around, and I am sure no Guru would teach such things.
Q2. About being enlightenedI am relatively new to AOL and I know GURU ji is wonderful and enlightened after the reading few books of GURUji, but i feel (during satsang sessions, question and answer session) GURUji is providing more of a solace to people than trying to wake up people to the truth and make them realize and experience the truth. ( I know i may be wrong, but i desperately want to change my opinion) . I know providing solace is important but solace is secondary for me, i want to wake up and realize the truth of life , how can i feel that GURUji wants us to wake up in life to truth rather than just wanting us to be happy.
A: You shd listen to Guruji’s commentaries esp on Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Narada Bhakti Sutras and Ashtavakra Gita; esp Ashtavakra Gita which is literally like a manual to enlightenment
Q3. Advance course during Guruji’s Bday in ashramDuring GURUji’ s bday i did weekly advance course. It was second time i did that course. During First adv course last year when no issues were there in my head. it was wonderful, i could feel sudden change in me. But this time i felt literally nothing.(zero impact on how i feel)
A: Thats absolutely fine. Advance course does its job regardless of what one “feels” (or wants to feel)
Q4. Depressed during GURUji’s Bday
— I saw thousands of people deperately wanting to touch GURUji and want to talk to GURUji but i dint feel anything like that. I thought i am a defective human being , and went into depression in the ashram room.How do i develop so much attachment with GURUji whilst being authentic and truthful to myself. ?
A: If having a Guru means desperately trying to touch His feet, even if it means trampling and pushing aside old people and hurting bystanders, then maybe it is better not to have a Guru. I respect each one’s devotion and expression, but it cannot be at the cost of common human decency and courtesy. Being in His presence is certainly very important — thats why we go to satsang — but at the same time following the knowledge will take you much further.
5: Your answers can turn my life and make me fall head over heels in love with GURUji.
A: It really doesnt mattter whether you love your Guru or not — His love for you is total and unequivocal nonetheless. Realizing this, we hv a sense of gratitude and become very relaxed and confident!
hmmm…a couple of my questions answered…
loved your answers , in one of the series of talks i dont remember which ashtavaka or narad bhakti sutras Guruji says that even if you dont go running to the master , the master comes into our lives in different forms.Afterall divine love is unconditional, oh and even after 7 years in aol, never once have i ever experienced the need to trample over the others to touch his feet or give him flowers-i feel its better to have faith in the master thru his teachings,knowledge and divine conncet and the gr8 social work that he is doing and the ocean of love that he is… 🙂
Bhaiya U seem to answer the questions, which i realized I have after reading the post. Very true.
Jai Guru Dev
simply loved your answers, especially the one on advanced courses which was very comforting to me too.
@asker the immense love and hope that we come to guruji with, it definitely means a lot when he offers solace (and blessings). the consequential mental relief itself is big, and one needs to first be tension-free for realization of truths.
awsum answers…. !! loved all of them. JGD 🙂
Dear vikramji, Heard u on youtube..My 4 yr old daughter and i loved ur divine voice..also trying to read about AOL on net..May we get a chance to come close to AOL…
Hare Krishna…
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