Actually, exhilarating would be a better word. During satsangs, during
meditations, even while running or playing tennis — one hits “the
zone where one can do no wrong” — a transcendent realm of perfection.
No past, no future — just a vast, free space coupled with a clarity
of awareness without the slightest hint of planning, regret, guilt or
even active memory.
These days leading up to Shivratri have been full of spacious pauses
where only this “zone” existed. I was excited; I was ready — I kept
giving people pep talks about how they should gear up for a never-
before anubhooti in Guruji’s presence. What would happen to me? Would
I be able to sing, or would I pass out onstage — something inside me
wants to jump up and down and dance every now and then — every hint
of last week’s fatigue (the result of travelling to a different town/
city each day for nearly three weeks) has disappeared!
I was practically floating up the steps to the aircraft that was to
bring me back to Kolkata, when my dear friend Ramesh Raman (who heads
Art of Living’s corporate wing, APEX) called to inform me that Guruji
had specifically asked for me to go and conduct a training program in
Delhi — tomorrow!
Zowie!!! Gadzooks!!!
Okay, here I go then — for a second the opening scene from 3 Idiots
flashed into my mind — should I just jump off the plane right now?
And then, just as though it had been there all along (hasn’t this
happened a million times before?) the whole scenario fell into place
— by tonight i shall hand over the templates for the entire script of
tomorrow’s program to Jaba and Atika, who will be our wonderful MCs;
the brilliantly talented Amol can coordinate the music, featuring all
the AOL stars Bhanudidi, Chitradidi, Gayatri and Shalini-Srinivas. My manager-
tabla player Ajay and guitarist-arranger Mizo can take care of
soundchecking and monitor placement etc.
I’m still getting the urge to dance though I’m sitting at the
emergency exit of my plane, the “zone” is still there — stronger than
ever, if you really want to know — listening to thumping remixes and
typing this post 🙂
Each moment with the Guru is abundant with exhilaration, I wish I
could share this joy with everyone (well, I do try) — but more on
that later!
Sent from my iPhone
Oh chool..keep being in that state..coz if you are ..the others around you will be 🙂
Nice Post..fresh from heart 🙂
Present moment, pleasant moment…no active memory !!!Wow !!! Thats the way one should be always.. You write so well, Vikram… Are you here now in Delhi ? Where you would be taking the course tomorrow !!!
Keep writing and keep smiling !!! Your smile makes us to smile more 🙂
Well, who knows, the Anubhooti may happen in the APEX program as well. All the best!!
I can so relate to that… narrating the feeling one would fall short, but experiencing the feeling is awesome…
Thanks Raj
Kalyani; APEX progs are usually offsites and restricted to nominees of that particular organisation; I suspect I shall be teaching somewhere in Delhi itself till 13th evening
Awesome ! Present moment pleasant moment !!!!!
This feeling is so divine and well expressed … I am not sure when will be able to attend the AOL class but surely my desire to be a part of atleast one class is getting stronger …
I never thought these feelings can be expressed by words. Amazing, just amazing. njoy ur stay in Delhi, lucky coporate world to have u amidst them n this special day. JGD.
Dear Vikram ,
I love the word ANUBHOOTI !!,it is so beautiful in meaning and experience…
I loved watching Shivratri celebrations on Sanskar TV ,unfortunately was unable to watch the entire thing but whatever i did was absolutely exhilarating and whatever i didn’t was exhilarating and magical too :):)
Meeting Guruji is a blessing and now i feel u just don’t need to be in his presence ,he is always there 🙂
Meeting you is again a blessing ,i did a DSN course with you which was awesome !!!! you are magical too 🙂
Please do pray for me that in the days to come i shall have more such blessings to count on :):)
Am getting GREEDY but that’s life ,more the merrier ,more blessing more peace,more love and more and more of everything around !!!!
Thank you Art of living !!!
JGD & Cheers Agya
What happened finally?
Hmmm…was pondering about the vast, free spaces…i relate to that…everyone probably has had some experience of that…maybe when studying for exams, playing, meditation or whatever…isn’t it interesting that just when you’re the busiest, you still are able to perform with ample time and calmness, when you’re in the present moment? Definitely worth striving to make that an ever-lasting experience.
it was so fresh to read your post……simply loved it.
When is the next Post coming… we are very eagerly awaiting it.
Hi Vikram,
Jai Guru Dev, This is a comment not related to the post. :-). I am not sure I have your email id, so thought will use the comments section.
The other day, I was in a Satsang with Guruji at Ahram. Leader Paes was also there. I could not help but notice how his smile is similar to yours. Wholehearted with the face shining up like a bright star. You both will pass for brothers. Just felt like mentioning it.
By the way, on the other hand, here is my ShivaRathri experience.
Jai Guru Dev