How does a tree feel when it loses a leaf? At one level there are so many thousands of leaves that the natural fall of a single one could hardly ever matter; and yet just as the seed knew just when it had to sprout and which way it had to grow, so does the entire tree sense each cell of its Being, and does indeed feel the lesser for the loss of a single leaf or fruit, whether plucked before its time or given away.
Tomorrow a new leaf will sprout, and a new flower bloom; as will millions of new seeds be sown, each ripe with the possibility of a miracle and the hope of a new life.
Tread lightly, cautioned the poet, tread lightly. We wish to disturb neither the newborn nor the newly dead, nor leave too heavy a print upon this earth, nor again go unnoticed. We wish to be remembered as a sudden, startling, soothing fragrance that wafts upon someone when they least expect it, making them smile — first wistfully, then wryly, then in gratitude.
Jai Gurudev
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jai Gurudev
wow.. ive run out of good adjectives for this one.. but the last word from me.. brilliant…..
You expressed the truth of Life so beautifully…
Thanks so much !
Jai Gurudev
Read soo many things today..but this is what is called SUBSTANCE! Beauty Vikram Beauty !!! Feeels so so nice to read your post after soo many days.
at a loss of words, but had to respond and didnt know what to say… this one touched a chord deep within….Jai Gurudev!
beautiful beautiful post
This is GuruJi words for me , i had lost my mother and since then i am very upset and frustrated , could not do Kriya also ,somehow Guru ji keeps on sending me messages like these to cont.. and follow his teachings ..
Simply great ..Thanks a Ton Again
JGD !!
Jai Gurudev
Sorry for this daft question…but may i know who has left the physical form vikram da?
you have described the life cycle of nature in such a beautiful way.
opposites complimenting each other.
one never exists without the other.
@Guru: None from immediate family (this time) — but then in my line of work I get this kind of news all the time
Just Awesome thoughts!
Also Just wanted to say I never had celebrated janmastami with such grace… Still mesmerized by your voice.. Still “Narayan hari OM” bhajan is running in my mind and giving me great Joy! Thanks Vikram Bhaiya!
Jai Gurudev
really touchy,as always Pujya sri sri says rightly, knowledge can sprout from any corner of life experience!!!
I know dada, I met the beloved some hours before the incident, he started his bike and we smiled at each other last …then…….
Sometimes it is very difficult to understand or either know all these things…What about the Leaf that was too dear to Tree who promised the protection to leaf to give him shade and prosperity till the leaf grows up completely
Jay Gurudev
Wow, beautiful, I am speechless
Expressed so beautifully. God Bless. Jai Gurudev.
My God such depth….
awesome .. clicked something.. inside somewhere!!
In life God doesn’t give you the people you want, instead. He gives you the people you need. To teach you, to hurt you, to love you, and make you exactly the way you should be.
Thanks Vikram to desribe the life and death so easily..
I truly respect your thoughts.
And moreover, We think about death and we become disturbed by small things. It feels like a headache, an ant crawling on our body. We become distracted by such small things, small discomforts and we talk about death.
We came empty handed and we will go the same way.
Thank you so much for giving your precious time and sharing your brilliant thoughts Vikram..
Would like to see more stories from you..
Thank you all for your very encouraging comments; I have pledged to write more often, and will resume from today
warm regards and Jai Guru Dev
today is the 15 of may—where is your pledge–n ur writings? u r widely travelled–put down ur experiences-n-musings–as your music–so your writings—divine.
take care—be safe
I can’t find the words to express how this has touched something somewhere inside me.Thanks Vikram. Your words have given me some solace in the past almost seven months since Vinod left us. Hope you remember us from Chandigarh.I am in NZ these days.Looking forward to your visit in March and hoping to be able to meet and talk to you.
Amazing Knowledge Vikram Bhaiya