It is late evening by the banks of the Ganga in Rishikesh; the river is in spate, swollen with the rains, muddy with the mountain soil that she has washed down in her rage. We are used to a romantic Ganga — this sight is new, and a reminder of the ever-changing nature around us. An old lady devoutly wades into the spate and floats a tiny oil lamp into the foam. Amazingly, the lamp stays alight for a long time, bobbing up and down, though the river is in full flow all around it. Finally it is extinguished and then washed away into the realm of memory. Tomorrow there shall be another lamp lit, set afloat and washed away.
“Ganga kinare vairagya ho jata hai, Abhyas ki zaroorat nahin padti,” said Guruji this morning. (In the Bhagvad Gita, when Arjuna asks Krishna how to quell the restless mind, Krishna says, “Either through dispassion or through spiritual practice.” Guruji was referring to the unique energy that the Ganga carries — just being on her banks one experiences dispassion; there remains no need for any practice!”)
Every morning and evening, as we dip in the holy waters, bits of charred wood, flowers and other debris float by. Some of them bump into us and then drift away as we stand waist deep in the river; they are the flotsam of the funeral pyres further upstream. “This is each one’s final abode,” Guruji had reminded us in Hardwar the other day — “Amma, Nandita, Manu… ” all our dear ones had come to rest in these waters, as will we all — some day in the distant or not so distant future…
It is hard to fathom what is going on here. The river is at once raging and churning in furious motion, and yet timeless, as she has been flowing for countless years with the same enthusiasm. Guruji is like that. As He watches the river, it is difficult to guess who is watching whom, the river rejoicing at His presence or He lost in her love. For Shiva, the smashan (cremation ground) is the place to live, to rest, celebrate, to work, to play. For us, the Ganga embodies that final resting place which is permanent yet ever new. HE is at home here, and she has a sense of purpose, a functional energy when He is near. I am aware that my sense of past and future has somehow dissolved, and yet time seems to be moving very fast. How does the Master live, I wonder. Does He have a sense of time as we do? It’s obviously just a game for Him, but Who is playing?
As Guruji sits meditating nearby, I experience a beautiful fragrance; it seems to be a mix of all the things I love. The first things I smell are incense and a funeral pyre. Then I smell flowers, then food and a hint of perfume. I look around, there is nothing close by, nor even a breeze that could have wafted these smells to me. It is changing again and seems thick and yet very very subtle — I am unable to distinguish whether it is a fragrance, a thought, a feeling, an anubhooti.
beautiful …
Oh my goodness gracious… you wrote sooo beautifully!!! I was sitting earlier sunk in some deep troublesome thoughts and randomly read this and my mind just went still… as if it could feel the calming waves of Ganga. I was feeling the wind, smelling the fragrances and feeling the utter peace and serenity that is felt only being near Guruji. Splendid indeed 🙂
tears cant stop flowing sir, suddenly in one write up u make people shed tears of joy and gratitude….
thanks and pranams
Vikram bhaiya you put life into words 🙂
I could feel whatever you were saying, not on a superficial level but on a sub-conscious level 🙂
I am a regular reader of your blog, but i hardly comment. Seeing this post, i just had to comment. No words are there….
Vikram… this is very touching ! I remember in March 2007, I was walking with Guruji, just before HE was leaving for Delhi, on the Ghat outisde HIS Kutir and i asked HIM something to which HE replied,” Yeh nadi yeh pahad to tera ghar hai aur yahan main aata hu” (This river and mountain is your home and I come here.) I have always felt that connection with Ganga !:)
“Ganga kinare vairagya ho jata hai, Abhyas ki zaroorat nahin padti,” said Guruji this morning….
So true…there is a sense of timelessness… the mountains, the river, the bells and the chants, all become part of us! It is the beginning and the end. The life and death. All One. Just One.
JGD bhaiyya….
U write too good….
what a co-incidence listening to one of your bhajan and reading you blog !! Your writings always take me to different dimensions !We are so fortunate to have Gurudev and his knowledge !
Jai Gurudev !
The Master is simply beyond words… beyond experience 🙂 jaigurudev
beautifully shared.i could many a times,while reading.. feel as if im there,enjoying it all…thank u and jgd…bittu
Haa. Wish I could be there someday!
Jai guru dev!
Awesome post Bhayya..U literally took me there 🙂
Wow, Divine,
“Ganga kinare vairagyaa ho jaata hain, Abhyas ki jarurat nahi padti” (You feel the dispassion on the bank of river Ganga, you don’t need to practice anything for that”
And Guruji sits meditating nearby. Can one ask for more?
” I wonder does the Master have a sense of time as we do?” Well, it remains ever a wonder untill we merge in timelessness, i guess.
Although i quote couple of lines from the post. All of the post was wonderful.
We are discovering the magic that flow throug your writing. A very welcomed addition to the magic that flows thorugh the music and devotional songs, through you.
Vikrammm..that was real real deep.
I just couldnt blink till the last word.
Youve written your heart out and its beaaaauuutiffuuul … 🙂
Keep posting.
P.s God knows when I will feel the way you did !!
I am going to save this post of yours 🙂 thanks
Thank you all; this was written a few years ago but I never shared it with anyone. Suddenly the other day I felt that you all would enjoy it, so I edited it and posted. This year I have also pledged to work on a few books which I had ideated and even begun, but which have been on the back burner so far.
Plz also check the new post, written this morning in Hindi while still in bed!
Once again, thanks and Jai Gurudev
Dear Vikram,
I read your blogs now and then.You are really blessed by Guruji.
This one really touched me very deep just like Ganga.
Guruji has definately given you all the charm,sweet smile and then on the top of it intellect.
Keep up the good work.
so baeutiful n refreshing! 🙂
I dont even want to write now!!!
So it comes from an anonymous id!!!! 🙂
Jai Gurudev,
Soooooooo Beautiful…
Sooooooo beautiful…
beautiful,i have no words to appriciate .”who is watching whom “braught tears in my eyas .hmmmmm vikram u r wonderful .i felt as if iam there with guruji , ganga and you , thanks ,jgd
Trust! through your enchanting words which has a sahej flow like MAA GANGA, without even realizing we get immmersed into it and suddenly when we realise we are blessed with a hint and a tint of ENLIGHTNMENT!
Thank you for making us wet this way…
Looking forward to be more ENLIGHTENED, more WISER, more MATURE, more near to GURU!!!
Har Har Gange!
Jai Gurudev
what a deep thought
so baeutiful n refreshing!
Jai Shri KrishNa..
VerY Good Post….!!