Guess what! It was a loyal fan, trying to set up a Facebook fan page, who accidentally set up a page in my name instead
Anyway, he has promptly emailed me, so we shd hv the whole thing sorted out in a day or two.
Thanks S, yu actually did everyone a favour coz I wd hv been far too lazy to set up a Facebook page on my own.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Yes Bhaiya,
As i had already commented on the other post. It is Fan Page and very well made and taken care of.
Only thing required perhaps is that on the fan page it clearly indicates that it is a fan page, and those wishing to contact you may use this blog for the same.
Jai Gurudev
You are Awesome!!!!!!
We can see u on Facebook also thats great
Nice way to see u on one of the cool social networking websites !!
Hi Vikram
Jai Guru dev

I’m one of your ardent fans . My day starts with listening to your bhajans , your voice is very soothing
On your Facebook account , Im already your fan there …pls dont have that id deleted there . It would help if you log in once in a while there and connect with your fans !
thanks and JGD
LOL… hehehehehe …. Good one-V… Jai Gurudev!
can you please post link of that face book?
Jai Gurudev Vikram Bhaiya
God Bless him coz it got me here on this blog.
Looking forward to seeing you in hyderabad.
As they whatever happens is for the best , got to your real blog via the facebook …this is all that matters…
Hello Vikram,
Came across this beautiful hymn “Achyutam Keshavam” sung by you today quite by chance. And must tell you that the hymn is not just melody to the ears but soothing to the soul as well. Well done and beautiful voice U’v got as a gift. God Bless you.
Vikram, I am an Indian by blood and a research Scientist from NY – no one crazy. At least not until today..I have read so many books and swallowed so much music. I must say your song that I recently came across – Achyutam Keshavam exudes the most captivating voice. I’m not sure it was divinity in your voice, or the blessings of your Gurudev or actually goddess Saraswati singing – I was insanely mesmerized, I was taken to a parallel world of feelings that I felt connected to, pure, divine very happy feelings that I couldn’t understand. Something way beyond normal. Jeez I do sound crzy,
Just had once request of you, could you pls please just ask your Gurudev to bless me too. Just once..
Tell him that in spite of not knowing him I can feel his power by the beauty he transcends in his disciples. I bow down (humbled)and would like to say Pranam.
Thanks Ruth and Sonny for your kind and flattering words. I do agree that its a gift I have received, along with the responsibility to share it with people
I hope to have a couple of new albums out in December, stay tuned!
Love, Vikram
This blackberry after it “dies” will be recieved in the heaven.
thanx for ur beautiful bhajan
heyi sir
i am sorry to disturb u..
bt i m realy a grt fan of urs …
i lovd ur bhajan achytam kehsavam.. nw i am holdin a grt oportunity of playin it on guitar in frnt of mah skul bt ..
unfortuntly i m unawar of its notes plzzz…
help me out …send me d simplst possibl notes……. wil b obligd….its urgnt …send it as fst as posibl…………..!!!