Mumbai/Bombay/Bomb-bay — who cares about the name when the populace is held to ransom by 25 madmen? Where are the Raj Thakerays, the crusaders, the activists, the politicians and their loudmouth views when the city they claim to be guardians of is held at gunpoint? When will we finally say we have had enough, and finally acknowledge that our country has been under serious threat for the past so many years, while militant organisations planted their seeds, established their presence along the borders, infiltrated the armed forces, hacked security networks?
It was pathetic to see fat cops with antique revolvers and rifles that can at best be used as clubs, tottering on the streets while a police van was hijacked by terrorists wielding AK-47s, right under their noses! Can’t blame the poor guys — they are under-equipped, under-trained and under-informed, I doubt whether many of them could even conduct a fire drill.
A close friend had a narrow escape when some urgent work caused him to miss dinner at Cafe Leopold with his friends, some of whom were injured and are probably even now hiding in the bylanes of Colaba waiting for the chance to return to their families. There are more friends of ours in the thick of the action, and at this moment we pray for their safety.
It was over 3 years ago, though it seems like yesterday, when Hemant Karkare showed me around Vienna and took me to dinner at Cafe Landsmann (if I hv the name right) — pointing out that, much like Kolkata’s Coffee House, this was the place where Viennese intellectuals congregated. Fearless, intelligent and committed to his cause, this noble warrior perished in the line of duty last night; as head of the ATS (Anti-Terrorist Squad), he led from the front and once sanity returns to Bombay, his will be one of the most important sacrifices that we shall remember. Until then, I sincerely pray that he has not died in vain, and that we can all fight this menace together.
I am sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, who feel like I do, and who would like to get involved in some concerted action to make our world a safer place. Imagine bringing kids into this horrible horrible world, and not knowing from one day to the next whether they will come home alive — can’t believe how fortunate we have been, to have enjoyed art, music, food, travel — are these to be forgotten in a locked-down realm of living our lives through our computers, scarcely daring to venture outside? And not everyone has even this luxury — most “normal” people must get up and take the local train to work each day, regardless of who is at the helm of this country and what their policies are.
Its very saddening, ignorance and stress are the root causes and its even more important now to increase the Sattva in the environment and for all the Peace warriors to get into action.
Sincere Prayers
Let there be peace
I am shocked at all what’s happening and its hard to accept that we are all collectively responsible for that. The vortex of negativity is sucking all of us right in and if we don’t counter it quickly enough through positive collective consciousness, then very soon our beautiful world will crumble under the sheer might of fear, hatred and violence.
Love and light…need of the hour..
Jai Gurudev
i am truly shocked at what has happened and sometimes its just so hard to accept but what you say is also true and we all have to quickly counter it in a positive way .. the message of love, light,peace and value of life is the need of the day and age……….
Jai Gurudev..
JGD Bhaiyya, is there any solution at all or none? Do you have any idea who are these people and what they want to achieve by such action? Jai Gurudev.
I wonder what Guruji thinks about it….Is Love and peace __still__ the way to solve all problems? Can violence be a solution to the problem? I wonder what Krishna would have said … he would probably say, “Go! Fight your war!”
It is ironic how when we say ‘Lets give peace a chance’, ‘we’ normally tends to be the common men who are peaceful anyway and they have ALWAYS been! The terrorists certainly dont think that way. I think its time for the common man to say ‘Lets give violence a chance’. What do you think? What does Guruji think?
Really hard to believe…where we are heading…all of a sudden all the efforts to make the world a better place..looks like a joke..handful of people come out with sophisticated weapons..and cause so much of terror and devastation. Why our administration is on weaker side always…. I think now it is the high time to over haul our and all..why we are waiting and waiting….we all have to stand up and unite ourselves..
Why cant we still hang Afzal (remember the parliament attack)? How many more wake up calls does Mr. Manmohan Singh need ? How much can we take with a pinch of salt and praise for our spirit as Mumbaikars ? Mr. Raj Thackeray / Mr. Pawar / Mr. Deshmukh….. 25 kids held you hostage for over as many hours… shame on you..
Since the last 34 hours the media has been covering the mumbai seige nonstop.this gives the terrorists supreme celebrity status and encourages them to perform more such dastardly acts.
if everyone ignored those vile savages and the administration went about silently hunting them down and beefing up security it would be better.
media must remember that the terrorists will we sitting in the hotel rooms with hostages with the tv sets on and enjoying the massive panic situation they have created with the help of the Media.when they are repeatedly ignored over time but hunted down mercilessly only then will they find their ulterior motives a pointless pursuit and probably give i think all live media coverage of such incidents should be banned.after all we cant do anything by fretting in front of our tv sets.we can only hope,pray and do our best for a safer world and thats not achieved by brooding in front of the TV but by training citizens on a wide scale to be vigilant and improving internalsecurity.
May The world find peace and may may all live in love and harmony.
Shocking ! Terrible ! Disgusting !
This is the dirty game being played by few for their personal gains and vote banks..why the culprits are not get hanged even after the verdict
just for their personal gains..who is caring for national interest and public interests…there is a race for the vote banks and all.But somewhere common people are in trouble..they have no security…There should me military rule in the country..that is the only solution!!!!
It is just a Barbaric these terrorist..who have no feelings…
Over and above,we have these politicians who want to encash their votebanks in such situations by pointing fingers at others in such a crucial hour.
Inspite of the request by the CM to the politicians to postpone their visit,some leading politicians did visit in such an hour.I dont know in what way did the politicians visits to these places ease out the flush out operation.One of the leading opposition leaders commented that,”they wanted to have a first hand information of the situation”.Cant imaginge where this first hand information would be used by these politicians.
Their visit to these places increased the pressure on the security forces for the safety of these politicians.
A salute to the security forces who have laid their lives flushing out these terrorists.
Praying to Guruji to give strength to these soldiers who are fighting for such a long time day & night.
Jai Gurudev
The attacks in Mumbai have demonstrated yet again the failiure of the Indian State to establish general Law & Order & also of us, the Indian citizens , in electing a government that can do so.
Jai Gurudeva Bhaiya..
I am glad to hear about Ajayji and Rajitaji..I always think of them as one of the most spirited human beings i know, from their sessions in my YES!+ ttc..
I loved your blog btw..
Just posted a joke on three women being held hostage a day before the Mumbai tragedy occured..!
Looking forward to read more from you..:-)
jai gurudev
hi every one , first of all my deepest condolence to all our ppl who have lost their near and dear ones and gratefull to all the NSG’s , police who still make us secure. Baiya i agree with u we need to flush these rats out from therehide holes and kick their ass publically. i think its time we follow the isareli’s policy, “attack is the best form of defence”. it dosent mean that we should kill innocent ppl, look for these faceless ppl’s hide holes and one night drag them to our country.FIRST BEFORE THIS THE SO CALLED SEPARATIST”S AND IDIOTS SUPPORTING THEM SHOULD BE TAKEN CARE, they should be kicked out of this counrty AND TO POLITICIANS, NOT ONLY BUDDHA, CHANKYA, KRISHNA WERE ALSO PRESENT IN THIS COUNTRY. Stop this nonsense( from past 1000 years we have not attacked anyone) . WE dont want CORRUPT, UN EDUCATED,CRIMINAL POLITICANS TO RULE we need to question these idiots who still DIVIDE US BASED ON CASTE AND RULE, WE are also responsible to this cos we are allowing them to rule us. SO FIRST WE SHOULD WAKE UP AND START A MOVEMENT AGAINST THE IDIOTS IN OUR COUNTRY , WE HAVE TO START NOW , TO GIVE OUR CHILDREN A SAFE , SECURE SOCIETY TO LIVE( ECONOMICALLY, SPIRITUALLY AND SECURITY WISE TOO) PLZ DONT ALLOW POLITICIANS TO ESCALATE A ISSUE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE FROM IT( thats what they have been doing) THESE POLITICIANS CANT DO ANY THING !! WE SHOULD DO IT NOW< ESPECIALLY "WE YOUTH". we should stand against these ppl and teach them how to lead a country, WHAT WE NEED IS A HONEST AND EDUCATED PPL in politics, thats all it bleeds and hurts to see our ppl suffer every where, it might be due to terror, hunger, thirst,social discrimination . what all i have written here i truly mean it. lets move towars this cause to make our country safe and secure jai gurudev JAI HIND avinash
Since this attack took place in the financial capital of India and many who’s who has been affected by it, may be this is why the country’s middle class has been reacting to it and for the first time collectively questioning our political and burearactratic class for letting this happen. The battle that was fought in far flung Kashmir and Naxal affected hinterlands have finally come to our neighborhood. Finally it is affecting us.
We as citizen, post independence ,went into a nation building mode, upheld secular values,followed the principle of appeasement by letting run Madrassas imparting pre-historic Islamic teachings . ( If you remember , before WWII , countries like USA also followed the principle of appeasement and turned a blind eye to Hitler’s aggression!!) ,So for 50 years while a particular party was in power , we let our muslim youths being brainwashed by maulvis , who taught these youths to hate anything non-islamic , bred a generation of religious fanatics…indoctrinated a wrong concept of Jehad- kill the infidels.In this country , secularism is a magic word for muslim vote bank politics.
Bomb blasts and terror attack comes as a no surprise to me , in fact , it was a disaster waiting to happen.Do you still think that these are works of only foreign elements. The attack was planned against us by some of us !!I am not against any religion or race, what I am against is religious fanaticism and spreading of wrong knowledge by some anti- national.I am against the political parties legitimizing illegal immigrants coming in from neighbouring countries , all for votes. I am angry at myself and my fellow citizens that we had let this happen , we have let India to be slowly being mutiliated by ignoring domestic unrest ,we were in a race to become an emerging power, to get recognition from western countries, we wanted to become the world’s IT and consumer hub!! .
Another threat we face is from Naxals, more on this on my next post….