I’ve always been partial to the performance of the PowerPC G3 and G4 chips, cdnt adjust to
this sudden urge on Apple’s part to become so Windows-friendly. Though my Blackberry has been taking care of most of my office work since February, I felt the need for a laptop, just thrown inside my suitcase while travelling, to work on documents, presentations and of
course photos.
By the way I have some interesting thoughts about bringing this machine onto the satsang stage, will share with you tomorrow. By the way, do you all like the new look of the blog? Credit goes to my friend Alpesh in Surat, a dedicated blogger and even more dedicated spiritual seeker, who has spent the past few days setting it up. Thanks Alpesh.
Yes Bhaiyaa love the new look of the blog, totally international and GLAD that you are back
Jai Gurudev
Thanks Vikrambhaiya for the credit, but the color choice that makes the blog so nice and Satwik were yours.
Truely your blog looks better than mine. And :), will copy your color schemes to my blogs, soon.
yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :))))) welcome back :D..
Yes the new look is nice, I like the simplicity and easy to load getup of the page.
hmm… I will consider Mac G4 Powerbook more seriously now!
by the way, this is an e-introduction, I am your fan of your songs, love to listen “Russians rock” and other compilations, have heard your concerts in Bangalore! Needless to say, I am also one of the YES!+ volunteer..(we love to do that!)
please visit my blog in your free time,
Yes the new look is better, I am also learning to change the template.
Bhaiya, Congrats on the new machine…. but would suggest, a iphone with it instead of Blackberry… a perfect sync is there with all applications…i have been using since last one year and is a perfect match….
With the mac, you should get a sound system of Bose. i remember reading the reviews of customers having this combo. Many customers wrote they had an amazing experience listening to the music on this combo.
One review i remember stated that one favorite song of his, when he listened on Bose sound system connected to mac, he had totally new experience listening to the song he had herd so many times. And that system from Bose was not that much expensive too. Somewhere around INR 26,000/-
hi bhaiya,,
the blog looks much better now.
And since u are such a good photographer yourself, why don’t you put a slideshow of some really cool pics of guruji in your sidebar???
Jai Guru Dev!
I think you can change the font – it is showing up as Times New Roman on my laptop and looks a tad staid.
luved d new luk….
a pic of ur new laptop is awaited….
personally, i would prefer a bit more colour… this one looks too hospital white 🙂
surely bhaiya , the look is far better than the earlier one…
m likn it!
bawa — I added some colour; lakshmi — that was some unintended error, hope the font comes out as Trebuchet now as its supposed to.
shiv — I hate the iphone; it has absolutely no utility for the way I live and work. Also its at least a year and a half before India gets 3G networks, so all Indian iphone users are still stuck with gprs/edge! My Blackberry world edition is CDMA+GSM, and shd work smoothly in 180 countries; it also surfs at 144kbps thanks to reliance’s wide network of fiber-optic cables even in remote villages.
Alpesh — I use a Klipsch audio system that I found at the Mac store in Bbay, its really nice. Bawa has the Bose setup with his iMac and it rocks. I have the Bose SoundDock in my bedroom which is excellent, and also a pair of Bose Quiet Comfort headphones which Tina has flicked!