Well….Bawa and Dinesh were at my place y’day for one of Tina’s awesome lunches, and afterwards we were messing about with html (basically Bau showing off how much he has learned in recent times!); hence the new look for this blog. There were some who felt it used to be too stark and empty looking (the way I like it); but let’s experiment with a few new looks and templates and see what comes up. What do you think?
About Vikram Hazra
As Program Director of the International Art of Living Foundation, I travel, teach, sing, smile and serve, and strive to excel as an instrument of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, whose goal is to put the smile back on every face on this planet.
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Jai Gurudev Bhaiya,
Really artistic library pic at the top of the blog….
Oh I have ve never had a chance to Meet Dinesh Bhaiya and Bawa bhaiya although seen them a couple of times with Guruji. Would love to meet them…I have been reading their blog too for some time now.
Creativity…hmmm…I’ve been playing guitar for more than 3 years now…somehow every time I pick up Guitar tend to play common rythms(Can play some good rythms though 🙂 ) and lead play..ohhh…i am not upto that mark although can play small pieces here and there but not live in between songs…Any tips to make my music more lively would be a plus 🙂
Nice way to ask for favours though..hehe!!
With Love…
Jai Gurudev,
everything is nice except, you should increase the width of the column where you are writing so we dont have to scroll much and that you can easily do by increasing the % of the width of the column
PS: in my opinion though you had not asked but…..Impression
PSS: bhaiya want to listen the song “tu mane ya mane dil dara aasave tenu raab maniya”
Bhaiya, in fact I also liked the way it used to be ….pls restore it to the earlier version…It is more of a clutter now….
rahul behal(noida)
well, I also kinda like the empty look better, but experimenting is good.
You could do better than present color combination .
Jai Gurudev
The earlier look was nice and elegan. This one’s fun. but the previous one was better IMO. also the sidebar with the archives etc is takign up a lot of space. perhaps if it were narrower?
nice blog though ?:-)
Renovation looks good 🙂
Jai Gurudev!!
thts wht i was thinkn hwcome ur blog’s like almost upside down… :-)))
its good for a change bt isnt ur style at all… n believe me it shows…
Yes Vikram Bhaiya noted the change in colors. In the beginning i too experimented with it a lot.
Also used to track the visitors and page impressions made by them. In the end i realized that the simple white background works best. May be something to to with unconscious mind, but readers remains a lot of time with that format.
also i studied the most successful websites they have this white background with black fonts, they must be having a team to study the same. For example check this blog of google Adsense or website like amazon
Shirdi Sai Baba was the blog most experimented with. Now it has clean black and white look. A picture with each post works a lot better for readers too.
Guruji , this blog gives the devotees divine pleasure of the words fallen from Guruji’s mouth, plus the picture of Guruji on each posts works on the mind of the reader while he/she is engaged in reading.
Thanks for your responses 🙂 We had to stop experimenting due to a very slow net connection — further drastic changes are now dependent on the availability of broadband! The library pic is (part of) my own.
Shall definitely make the columns wider; and colours more coherent: I have a feeling that in a few days I shall find a lovely template that will serve our purpose with minor modifications 🙂
I am sure that Bawa has experimented on ur blog the way u experiment with music.
I am waiting to check out the look of your new blog template.
Gr8 going, vikram-da
Jai Gurudeva
I really love this combination!! 🙂 it just looks great. Esp. experimentation. My blog when it was experimented(continuing) looks awefull.. yours is a way better!!!! 🙂
Please do look at the link below.
i really like some of the templates here. I am sure you can use them as a base to create your own blog template 🙂
Jai Gurudev!!!
I read your blog regularly. The earlier look had a calm and nice feeling to it. Not sure about this one.
What you had was perfect. This is just not you.
jgd, i liked the new colours and new style. New things i always appriciate. vikram ji some times i feel that ur bolg can contain some more knowledge , exchange of ideas . Its very nice to know ur personal life more abt tina but dont you feel since last so many posts its only tina her shows her judges . hmmmm bhia that is what felt you may ignore if iam wrong .
JGD Mamtaji, actually if you wd like to know something specific then please post a question via email, I shall answer it on the blog (Just as Guruprasath asked about photography, and Alpesh asked about devotion) I honestly disapprove of the so-called “knowledge sessions”, as I feel I hv got whatever I need from the Part 1 course, and the rest is all about applying it to life. If you ask for knowledge, I wd just say “Accept people as they are” and “The present moment is inevitable” — I dont think I can give you something fresher and better than Guruji’s knowledge!
Course points are to be discussed on courses, and obviously this blog shd address various aspects of my personal life as its my personal blog — in fact it was started in acknowledgement of literally hundreds of queries in this regard.
Hey vikram… check out the latest joke on my blog 🙂
And i think colour really makes it look better… black and white is soooo corporatey and just not you 🙂 🙂
When i get there next, maybe we could experiment with changing the widths
Jai Gurudeva!
only that orange colour looks odd.. d rest is cool 🙂
Personally i love red.. yeah the column width has scope to be extended.. few ads would make blog look full.. i ll keep clicking.. 🙂
new look rocks, bhaiya!
ha ha…hey Bhaiya..ur joke ws simply hilarious..:)