If you’ve seen it, you’ve probably guessed that the most apt movie for Guru Poornima this week is Kung Fu Panda; an animated blend of love, devotion and surrender, with awesome fight sequences thrown (I mean drawn) in.
Saw it hot on the heels of the extremely refreshing and real Jaane Tu…making it a v good moviegoing week. And happy endings always make me smile
As you all meditate, pray etc – I shall be singing tonight for our devotees in Vizag (Vishakhapatnam) – Guru Poornima satsangs have a different energy – serene, sacred and santusht/nishchint. Jai Guru Dev
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a very happy guru poornima to u too bhaiya…
thanx for sharing the pics n info …
today kashi bhaiya is coming here so we’ll hv a satsang n guru pooja in the evening and rudra puja in the coming days with him…
was going thru some knowledge given by guruji on this day which says its actually the day of the devotee wherein he feels gratitude for wht his guru hs given him and hw hes been uplifted by the guru in the last year…
i feel so blessed to be with my guru !
Jai Gurudev
JGD Bhaiyya,
It would be wonderful if you share some tips on playing guitar and also chords of bhajans on your blog.
This will help all those who aspire to play and sing for HIM.
Jai gurudev
I clearly remember; in movie turtle says to PO, Yesterday is a History,Tomorrow is a mistery, but today is a GIFT , that’s why it calls as PRESENT…..such nice knowledge…. today we have rudrapooja at ashram.
And Vikki bhaiya when are you coming to GUJARAT (i just wants to know as my roots are in gujarat……;-))
jai guru dev bhaiya
all the best for tonights satsang
u’ll rock for sure
Must’ve had full bloom Satsang like the moon tonight???(no doubts about it).
i m so sure that people must’ve have felt guruji’s presence in the satsang(I alwyz do when u do satsang).Wish i could have been in Vizag!!
i m really greatful to guruji for letting us to have u in our lives….with all my gratitude, love n respect.Happy Guru Pornima
Ya, exactly bhaiya..v too r waiting 4 u 2 cum 2 Guj.(Ahmd.)..
really miss ur Satsang..
Plz cum soon..
lol :))
Many Many Thanks Vikramji for a wonderful evening in Vizag. We Vizagites were true blessed and honoured with your presence.
Thanks once again and we hope and pray that we will see you more often in Vizag.
you have been tagged..!!
helloooooo everyone! I’ll be in Gujarat on 23,24,25th aug — vapi, navsari and surat respectively for satsangs — be there!
And as for guitar chords, well i dont know that many, but my experience is that if one meditates well then all one does is hang on to the guitar and someone else plays…..
Nice and appropriate answer for the guitar chords. Definitely someone else, the higher energies that resides in you plays it. Raju (Rajiv Desai) who dedicated his life to music and had much practice on guitar found it difficult to produce the sounds that comes from your guitar.
Not to mention the vocals, that too comes from somewhere else and takes the listeners to somewhere else.
Yes meditation is the surrender to the Highest, giving the power of attorney of once self to the Highest, and the highest works through you.