Article by Sri Sri
Seekers on the spiritual path are curious to know about Enlightenment.
What is Enlightenment? I say, Enlightenment is like a joke It is li ke
a fish in the ocean searching for the ocean. Once upon a time, there
was a congregation of fish, who got together to discuss who among them
had seen the ocean. None of them could say they had actually seen the
ocean. Then one fish said, I think my great grandfather had seen the
ocean A second fish said, Yes, yes, I have also heard about this. A
third fish said, Yes, certainly, his great grandfather had seen the
ocean. So they built a huge temple and made a statue of the great
grandfather of that particular fish They said, He had seen the ocean.
He had been connected with the ocean. Enlightenment is the very core
of our being going to the core of our self and living our life from
there. We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but
gradually, as we became more intelligent, we lost our innocence. We
were born with silence and as we grew up, we lost the silence and were
filled with words. We lived in our hearts and as time passed, we moved
into our heads. Now the reversal of this journey is enlightenment. It
is the journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to
silence getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence.
Although very simple, this is a great achievement. Knowledge should
lead you to that beautiful point of I dont know. The purpose of
knowledge is ignorance The completion of knowledge will lead you to
amazement and wonder. It makes you aware of this existence. Mysteries
are to be lived, not understood. One can live life as fully in its
completeness, in its totality. Enlightenment is that state of being
mature and unshakeable under any circumstances. Come what may, nothing
can rob the smile from your heart. Going beyond the limited
boundaries, and feeling all that exists in this universe belongs to
me, is enlightenment. Unenlightenment is easy to define. It is
limiting yourself by saying, I belong to this particular place, I am
from that culture or I belong to this religion. It is l ike children
saying, My dad is better than your dad, or My toy is better than your
toy. I think most people around the world are stuck in that mental age
group, just the toys have changed. Adults say, My country is better
than your country or my religion is better than your religion. A
Christian will say, The Bible is truth, and a Hindu will say, The
Vedas are the truth. They are very ancient. Muslims will say, The
Koran is the last word of God. We attribute glory to something just
because we are from that culture, not for what it is. If one could
take credit for all that exists throughout the ages and feel as though
It belongs to me, then, that is maturity. This is my wealth because I
belong to the divine. The Divine, according to time and space, gave
different knowledge in different places. One becomes the knower of the
whole universe and can say all the beautiful flowers are from my
garden. The whole evolution of man is from being somebody to being
nobody, and from being nobody to being everybody. Have you observed
that young children have that sense of belonging that oneness, that
innocence? As we grew up we lost that innocence and became more
cunning. The innocence of an ignorant man has no value, and the
cunningness of an intelligent man also has no value. Enlightenment is
a rare combination of innocence and intelligence, having words for
expression and, at the same time, being very silent. In that state,
the mind is fully in the present moment. Whatever is necessary is
revealed to you in such a natural and spontaneous way, you just sit
and the song of the nature flows through you.
Sent from SriSri iphone App
Sent from my iPhone
Jai Gurudev is what I can simply say 🙂
Thanks a lot for the post.
Beautiful !
There is nothing to say. If at all I can say something, then definitely it would be these words… “I am so Lucky”. Also his timelessness is also a wonder. Just a few days back I had penned down a few thoughts on “Somebody, Everybody and Nobody”, and now I got to read them here. It gets really mind boggling at times. If you get a chance, do have a look(its in my blog).
Hi Vikram. Firstly, A great concert at Birla house. It was splendid and great, I really enjoyed tonight’s ‘Funky’ Party.
I need a favor from you. My brother Vishal Shah is a member and he was volunteer of the Event. In short, he was part of tonight’s event.
All I want you to help me and my family is that we want him to get hitched, but for some reason he is avoiding this. He keeps on repeating that he want to give time to AOL and has no plans for marriage.
So my humble request to you is that please help us.
My email just in case.
BTW Vikram you Rock!
Thanks a lot for the Super Post !!
Its amazing bhaiya!!
Such an Enlightening article it is…