Time flies time flies it doesn’t wait around while you make up your mind you keep on thinking of what will make your life better and trying to figure out who you are and what the f*** you are doing on this gorgeous planet but suddenly you look up and find that several decades have flown by and you are getting old and fat and ugly and trying to live the life of a teenager but no matter how many fancy gadgets you buy and how much sports gear gathers dust in your house you don’t get any fitter and girls look at you only coz of your position or your worldly wise charm and wit or better still your money and what they don’t know is that they too haven’t a clue of what they really want and why they are out chasing old farts when they cd work hard at a relationship with someone their own age which would probably be a lot more rewarding in the long run but somehow the mind has trained us to go chasing after what we do not have and project our desires on to an imagined goal which in reality may really really suck but somehow seems glamorous in our own head
Sent from my iPod
Why on earth have you stopped blogging? Please please keep writing. If theres one thing you do as good as singing it’s writing, buddy.
thank you for blogging.. its always a pleasure to read you, even if it is something random.. imagined realities..hmmmm
Yes. we love your blogs.
Ratan (Auckland, NZ)
Its really nice to see you back ! Keep writing and entertain us… But I enjoy your music more than anything else…… My morning always start with your Bhajan !!!:)
I missed your session of Sri Sri Yoga at Noida. But I want to do DSN with you as I heard DSN with you is amazing. Please share the information thru you blog whenever you take DSN in Delhi.
With warm regards
Guru ji has His own way to communicate…..
The problem about which you discussed in your last line has taken away almost everything from me and now standing alone in the path of life (after so much disaster) my dear mind still clinging to my imagined goal which in realty will suck (i know this too) but somehow seems glamorous in my head….
Please show me the way out of this state of mind dear Guru ji…
wow!! you r back here…:):)
haha welcome back to the blogosphere mr hazra….you have indeed inspired me to write again on my blog after a while…
Thanks people
Shall be regular from now on….
Dear Vikramji
I was a silent reader of your blog…..though I read your blogs I have never commented on them till date. I am very fond of your music and singing….especially your smile…:).
I make all my family and friends watch your songs on Youtube and everyone enjoys them a lot….they say that you are sure a very gifted person.
What made me to write today is your “Cathartic return to blogging” where you have used this word (what the f*** you are doing on this gorgeous planet), it is a shock…I just couldn’t believe my eyes, I just thought for a second that it wasn’t you who wrote this…..but it is you….how come anyone who is in a spiritual path could use the foul language, a person of your stage should be a role model to everyone….please just don’t show your faults.
Would you please remove or change the phrase.
Thank you
@Kusum: Many so-called “spiritual” people have all these blocks in their head, and often live in denial of the reality of the world around them. To educate you further, the post above was meant to be an example of “stream-of-consciousness” writing — do read Virginia Woolff, James Joyce etc to see more such writing, which incidentally is studied today as great literature. And when the word is not spelled out but merely hinted at, it is not considered offensive normally, but it was interesting to see that your “so-called spiritual mind” is still stuck with it. Grow up!
PS: The post wasnt about me either