I’m teaching an Art of Living Part 1 course in Mumbai this week, and two more next week. Formerly called the Basic course, it holds a special place in my heart.
AOL now offers a huge assortment of programs — courses for children, college students, corporates, prisoners, villagers, slumdwellers — and each module has been very successful in its own right. Yet the bedrock of Guruji’s knowledge is the Part 1 course; for many it has been the healing balm that washed away years of pain or trauma, for others it has healed apparently incurable diseases, and for many more it has been the ideal gateway to a more spiritual, effective and harmonious way of life.
For the past fourteen years, I have had the privilege of teaching this program to people from all walks of life in over 30 countries, covering most racial, religious, ethnic, economic and social demographics. It never ceases to amaze me how much each of them finds in common, and how the course works across the board. I have even taught healers, swamis, yoga teachers, musicians and artists — deeply spiritual, highly evolved and refined beings — each of whom has marveled at how Guruji (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) has cognized the deepest truths into a simple, six-day experiential workshop.
The Sudarshan Kriya itself is like a beautiful poem; its rhythms seem familiar yet esoteric, the experience sometimes excruciating but always enlightening, a feeling of being totally spent yet craving more. Its like listening to a wondrous dhrupad recital — the tones sometimes pinning you with their raw physicality, sometimes lulling you into meditation, sounding faintly familiar yet just out of reach, and always that sense of a higher power, a presence that seems to hover protectively close by.
And ah, how powerful our own breath is! It energises our body, calms our mind, soothes our emotions, and offers insights into our true nature. Is it too subtle? Do we sound too simplistic when we teach it? Perhaps. But one’s own experience always bears testimony to the efficacy of this premise.
Most humbling is the trust that people place in you as a teacher, going through every process and technique with unflagging enthusiasm, apparently sure that this is going to work. And most fulfilling is the glow, the peace on every face on the last day; they know that its impossible to describe what they have experienced, or what has touched their lives.
The course is also an introduction to meditation (“the best gift you can give yourself”) and to the experience of encountering a living, enlightened being, a true Master. That itself is worth the price of admission.
Actually, no, it’s priceless!
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when ur gifted the sudarshan kriya and a guru like sri sri what else can one ask for….. its just priceless. So fortunate we are to experience this in our lifetime.
One day may be will visit to know more about the same but currently I am on tour.
Hey Hobo good luck on your wanderings; wish you a safe journey and of course a warm return home 😉
wanna do a course with u dear.
Simply brillant bhai!. I really enjoy your stlye of writing. Thanks a lot.
Susanta Chakraborty
Ruaju (Rajiv) wanted to do the basic course with you. Hope you remember during the course and pray for him. His life had changed completely after doing that Satsang with you, with his band.
A rock and roll style life got a great turn towards spirituality. He always remembered you with great enthusiasm and respect, and carried a cd of the devotional songs sung by you where ever he went. It gives me that (unknown) feeling he said.
Those intense few years in love with spirituality, was a gift this kind soul, through the Satsang with you.
Jai Gurudev
Om Sai Ram.
WOW! this made me remember my first part 1 course way back in 1997. This is so beautifully written. the closest that one can get to describing something that is really beyond words. I wish I was there. JGD.
Vikram Bhaiyya when do you plan to visit Delhi in near future….m very eager to meet u and do a course under you
simply superb..
This post took me back to part 1 course which was gifted to me by Guruji..
There is so much elegance and effortless in your writings… (as also in ur singing and playing guitar..)
Sudharshan kriya is a beautiful Poem!!
You Stand there bhaiyah!
Yes it is so amazing !
At the same time how fortunate we are !
Sometimes I feel pity for those who are not getting convinced about this priceless course .
Jai Gurudev bhiya Denmark is waiting for you !
The AOL courses are very helpful to improve memory also. The National Institute of Mental Health and N euro sciences ,Bangalore has introduced Yoga training with the help of AOL for patients who suffer from mental health problems.
The research done at that Institute has given result that patients recover from the problems faster with yoga It was proved that the dose of psychiatric medicines can be reduced and their could be be weight reduction beneficial to the patient, the general activities increased also by practicing Yoga.
Those who have friends, relatives suffering from any mental problems may take them to N.I.M.H.A.N.S .Bangalore. The patients may do a course for a month or as directed by the doctors there.
The course is conducted with the support of Art of living Foundation Bangalore.
Vikram Ji, I am a big fan of yours, I have yet to read such a beautiful introduction to Art of Living, with your permission I would like to use it in my AoL intro talk. I am going for Phase 2 starting 28th July. Any tips!
Much love
Alok, Abu Dhabi alokpuri@gmail.com
JGD Vikram Ji, This is Alok from Abu Dhabi and I am a big fan of yours. I have yet to read a more beautiful introduction to Art of Living Part 1 Program. I intend to steal the text and use it in my Intro Talks. I am going for Phase 2 in July and hope to see you there.
Love and warm regards,
such a beautiful praise for part I coure, like a poem stright from heart !!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the most beautiful & amazing description of basic course & Sudarshan Kriya:) really priceless & “cannot afford to miss” opportunity for Mumbaians I will say…wish Delhi is also in ur list bhaiya;)…JGD
dearest bhaiya ,,
wow ……… very well written .
i feel like doing basic course again .
JGD Vikram……. Part 1 and the effects of Kriya and breath is beautifully penned by you. A good writer that you are…. anu and me really enjoy reading your blog. Hope Tina is doing fine too. I envyed the awesome Philippines tour pics…. Guruji sends u to the best place to enjoy work and explore the wonders of nature.
well … as Alok penned earlier… me too would steal a couple of lines form your write up for talks on Breath which i would be giving at a rotary meeting.
Been long since we spoke… shall call u soon Babu Moshai.. Take care..Jai Gurudev
where is the basic course being conducted? is it in r city mall? can we attend today’s satsang (July 19th). I am keen on being there. jgd
JGD Vikram Bhaiyya, seriously… I feel this as the highest wisdom one can ever get… whatever I do.. I always feel its less… I could do more for guruji… I wish I can also do sewa 24/7 like u…100% of my life… you are our inspiration… may god make more ppl like you…
Well Vikram , its really nice to see you posting. The basic course is the entry point and all the knowledge if applied 100% can make life wonderful.The course is the most beautiful summary of all scriptures and self improvement books written on this planet.
At the same time , basic course is really fun and I hope to repeat it many more time , despite doing advanced courses
yep you said it all bhaiya!! you express yourself really well its just too good, I remember the talk you gave in the recent Yes plus meet in Mumbai,
I still can’t reproduce it or even recollect what you said in words actually, but its still with I know its with me and will always be, I still remember that feeling it just opened up something don’t know what! wanna do a basic course with you actually any course with you, awaiting for the opportunity.
I am so glad you are writing more these days!! thanks.
probably one of the most amazing article written…. we want more bhaiya…. its awesome to see your writing cut throug people’s mindset in a way which can be only you. jgd
Jai gurudev,
Iam a great fan of yours and listen regularly to all your bajhan CD’s.
This article is so beautiful,have no words to express my feelings.
Jai Gurudev,
Jai Guru Dev,
I had heard about AOL from couple of my office friends and was not very keen to join AOL course. I had very stressful years recently due to the workload and hence I decided to join some Yoga or Pranayam class to relax myself. I am working in an IT consulting firm so anyone working in IT will have an idea about the work pressure and hours of working.
After a long debate with myself in past couple of months, I decided to join AOL course if I get such a chance and is going to be conducted in my area.
And guess what, one day (may be 2nd week of July 2009) I was reading a news paper as usual and came across a small piece of paper containing some advertisement.
To my surprise it was an advertisement of AOL Part 1 course and which was going to be taught by Mr. Vikram Hazra. I was totally unaware what exactly AOL is and who Mr. Vikram Hazra is? But I decided to join the course.
And the first day arrived. I reached the venue at 6:00 AM. I have hardly woke up at 5:00 AM after my profession life has started but I don’t know how did I managed all these six days, waking up at 5:00 AM, attending the AOL class and then going to office and working till 8:00 PM.
Slowly AOL started unfolding with Pranayam and Sudarshan Kriya and what an amazing technique to keep you fit, calm, relaxed, happy and smiling in such a simple way. Now I hate myself why didn’t I join AOL much earlier in my life.
The first day I met Vikram, I was amazed with his intellectuals, work profile and skills and with everyday passing by my amazement was increasing.
Thanks Vikram for being teacher of my first association with AOL which has helped me to relax myself.
Chintan Jhaveri (jhaverichintan@hotmail.com)
Since the divine singer is at home in Mumbai teaching the basic course to the lucky ones.
I thought he had ample time to write few posts for us.
Still waiting……………
“Its like listening to a wondrous dhrupad recital..”. Well put. The joys of Dhrupad!
Hi Alpesh
Just finished my courses day before, caught up on sleep yesterday, and you will have two posts today 🙂
Maybe the Scientology ad is not appropriate, cd we remove it?
Hi Chintan and others
I enjoyed the courses thoroughly, and have decided that I shall certainly teach more Part 1 courses, especially in Mumbai, whenever I am in town 🙂
hello bhaiya!!
this post reminds me of my first basic course which yu took in april 2006 in noida….thanks a lot!! its simply beautiful….
Hello !! Bhiya jaigurudev !
I was there in your last course(Mira road) as a volunteer and as a participant too ….
This basic course was my 5 or 6…..
but I really learnt and noticed so many new things…. Thanks to u…. for taking such a beautiful course…..
And … one more thing… I never heard and read such a beutiful and astonishing explanation of “sudarshan kriya” what u did in ur blog…
Thank you all for your comments. I’m inspired to teach more Part 1 courses as and when I am in Bbay 🙂
Thank you AOL and So well said !!! Absolutely ..It’s a priceless gift to humanity and all words and experiences are not enough to describe the beauty of all that Guruji has to offer and will always look forward to everything that is there to give and receive from AOL 🙂 always hungry for more and more …Give me more :):) !!!! Cheers
Hello bhaiya, I have done the yes plus course under you a year back and i love doing Sudarshan kriya very much. but i have 2 doubts, which i am very eager and awaiting to know…
1) What actually happens after the soham breathings in sudarshan kriya?? (All that i know is i am happy and feels good after the sudarshan kriya).. but i want to know WHAT HAPPENS at that time of deep rest? Bcoz i am v unaware of anything at that time… and is it possible of doing it consciously knowing what is happening? where am i going, what i am experiencing? etc… 🙂
2)my second doubt is that, i have read of babajis kriya Yoga in the book, autobiography of a yogi by paramhansa yoganandha..and after reading that i got eager interest in practising babajis kriya yoga… but after that i had a thought that may be sudarshan kriya and kriya yoga could be related to each other/similar bcoz both has the term kriya in it :)…and so i put down the interst to learn kriya yoga… is my thought true…? is kriya yoga n sudarshan kriya related/ quiet similar to one another? 🙂
Thank you very much…
Love and respect,
hello vikram sir,
your approach towards life is inspiring and in this age when guruji represents being a “universal Guru” you represent being “universal sisya” and help fellow travellers in coming out of there misconceptions and fears …..
gratitude sir…
Cheers and with loads of gratitude
I had the divine grace to undergo part one course in 2009 and since then my life has transfrmed drastically in a better way ofcourse..our teacher spoke n taught us exactly like what sri sri wud have taught us…i practise sudharshan kriya everyday and i get the strength, confidence and power from the kriya..many many pranam to guruji who designed it and many many thanks to u and all d teachers who dedicatedly n wholeheartedly impart the knwledge to one and all.Am especially a fan of ur singing too and the wnderful n cheerful disposition u carry vikrambhaiyya when u sing them…ur smile is so ver infectious…hoping to seeu some day …will be seeing sri sri on 14th jan in thane.