…to the Blogosphere! Where was I? Travelling? Not an excuse, thanks to iPhone and the Blackberry before it.
Thinking? Well, think out loud and share it with us then. Naah, I have been revelling in two critical aspects of human life which I have always tried to stay away from; Negotiation, and Human Relationships.
These two apparently contradictory but essentially complementary “disciplines” form the backbone of almost every serious interaction that we undertake; and I would be the first to admit that I have not only been traditionally weak in these two areas, but have downright avoided them whenever possible. Leave the fighting to others, leave the fretting to them too, just leave me alone in my room with some books and music, and a guitar of course, and I’m a happy man. For someone whose job often requires him to meet 5000 people a week, I am happiest when I have no human contact at all.
But the curiosity was always there — I would pick up my camera and walk through crowded bazaars and rural settlements, and spend less time shooting and more time observing what makes people and relationships tick. How complex are our interactions as humans! For those of us used to a computer-driven WYSIWYG world, all these subliminal hints and innuendos are a pain. There is no one formula that can ensure success on this front, and anyone who claims to offer you the secret in a pill, bottle or self-help book is talking through his hat. When it comes to human relationships, there are no rules.
Somehow we keep trying to impose a sense of order into what we consider a chaotic universe, but perhaps we should be considering that it is our relationships that are random
and unpredictable in a universe that is a vast, organised system — either way it’s a paradox.
Guruji has often used the phrase “living the mystery of life” and that’s the most fun way to go about it — so much to learn and discover every day, so much to share and receive, so much food, so little time…. As for Negotiation, well I’m still working on it, reading up a bit —
it’s a fascinating topic but guess it’ll take a bit of time. Check
out a movie called The Negotiator feat. Kevin Spacey and Samuel
Jackson, it’s awesome.
thank u sir for all u meant and said…..
Sometimes feel that human relationships are very important and some day i wd just wanna sit alone in my room with music and my guitar and then doze off going blank!!! 2 sides of the same coin!! May be 😉
Jai Gurudev,
Siddharth Sukhjija
Wow so lucidly said…i am just wondering…Bhaiya you just say simple words as Guruji and it matters and puts us in to action….No wonder its because you live in Knowledge!
Love,Jai Gurudeva 🙂
Swapnil 🙂
You know what…i was thinking of this just now…been to Nava Graha temple where a person claiming to be Brahmin was chanting out all the mantras loudly and disturbing others..and offering free advice about how to worship Shani Bhagvan..being pushy all the time…i was in a dilemma..should i talk and ‘negotiate’ with him or do my Pooja and come back home..well i spoke to the Pujari,who dealt with it..and back home i see ur post 😀 one thing i really admire about u is u seem to be learning all the time..u never boast of accomplishing,finishing off with something…love you.but pls keep writing more and more 😀
Dharma 🙂
Hmmm…nicely confessed 🙂
Some deep insights there …ya its a mystery indeed – total unpredicatble and strange ..
@books and music
Same pinch 🙂
wow vikram da you really hit the nail on the head (i mean literally) with that post…yes navigating human life and relationships is more complex to understand – every relationship requires some semblance of negotiation or the other.. yes i have watched the movie twice and learnt a lot from it.. id classify it as an edutainment movie and kevin spacey’s performance was really good…Somehow we keep trying to impose a
sense of order into what we consider a chaotic universe, but perhaps
we should be considering that it is our relationships that are random
and unpredictable in a universe that is a vast, organised system —
either way it’s a paradox.”- yes the world is filled with paradoxical situations.. well said ..
WOW!! Brilliant post… Its truly admirable how you can put such intimate thoughts into such simple words.. Its a pleasure reading your blog:)
JGD Dear Vikram Bhaiyya.
………That’s when I take the opportunity to appreciate the DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF OUR MASTER 🙂 KEEP SMILING 100%.
Deepti Vinod
sir, i have already posted one comment
but cant stop readin it again and again,
sir u r incredibly awesome……really thanks alot….sir u ve expressed that which cannot be….explained that which cannot be even comprehended…u live in knowledge or knowledge lives thru u, god alone knows….
pranams Chandru
When is the next post on Yoga Sutras coming ? Waiting eagerly!
Jai Gurudeva
bhaiya, very true…. the only way to live life happily is to understand life as mystery. But still I would like to know from you as you are married. How much emotionally you should be dependent on the one you are in relationship?
Jai Gurudev Bhaiya!!!
Bhaiyaaaaa, please come to winter break…last year new years celebration was the best ever mainly because you were here…PUHLEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ…1500+ kids, all asking the same thing, ‘when is Vikram Bhaiya coming’?
So PLEASE come back to ur other home too…we are all waiting for you!!!! Winter break celebrations are kind of not complete without you crooning Naiharwa, Amazing Grace…to glory!!!
please fructify the Sankalpa (of bringing u here on winter break) of 1500 ppl from all over!!! 🙂
~ Ashwani
I was unable to believe that Vikram Bhaiya…. senior teacher of AOL was having problem with Human Relations!!!
Happy New Year 🙂
Arpit: Dude read the post again 🙂 And who says we cant have problems? Its another story that we learn to deal with them effortlessly, and dont fret and chew on them for years to come. To me, AOL has always been about excellence and responsibility, and to achieve those one must constantly move through new and challenging situations, as well as endure old niggling ones!
Jitu: Maybe i’ll put that in the next QnA
Sid: Good one 🙂
Hello Sir,
This is my third post here:-) u jus zipped thru amazingly in replying in the above post…..wow sir what a reply and spoke abt edurance too …u r jus great thanks again sir
5000 people a week bhaiyya…gud… now on the little feeling i have to be wid u , feel ur presence, bow down to you my teacher…even that i drop…though will meet u virtually all moments…but will never look forward to take ur space in this world any more…love you ..take care whereever you are ..jaigurudev..nirmit19