In more ways than one. Have been in a phase of deep introspection for over a month; though outwardly participating in several social and professional activities, I was really far far away, and not just geographically. Thanks first to Guruji for ensuring that I never stagnate and always continue to study, learn and grow; and secondly to Tina for providing an unearthly level of space and understanding.
I tried so many new approaches to teaching, music etc this month; most of them worked admirably and most importantly they opened several new doors and paved the way for much more satisfying creative work to come. Am literally bursting with ideas, and hope it should translate into several posts over the next two weeks.
I realized I am a “slow blogger” and prefer to mull over things for a long time before committing them to paper (or web) by which time they may actually have lost their relevance! Shobhaa De is exemplary in that sense – she makes it a point to post every day, which makes her blog very exciting and au courant.
I guess I should do both: keep sending short updates (almost like tweets) from my blackberry; and then do sets of opinion pieces and of course the long overdue q&a’s. Thank you all for your loyalty and support, and don’t hesitate to pull me up if I am slow to post :))
Love and Jai Gurudev
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Hi. It’s fun and great learning reading your views on things (not always AOL). Pl do keep writing (maybe a post on Music / Guitars will be a good idea) and of course, Q&A is something I really look fwd to.
Jai Gurudev Bhaiya,
I am following your blog daily and unfortunately gets disappointed every morning if I dont see anything there. But I guess today is good start as I could see there are 3 posts during week end 🙂 though single liner thats makes atleast me a great difference. As you are experincing so much I will be very happy to see atleast some of your exp. thoughts, musich, photos to have a look with which I can start my day with lots of energy and celebration.
Thanks and see some of your posts very often. I think you have alrady said (I should do both:) it but lets see when you start practicing it
Lots of luv
look forward to your posts.. so yes keep blogging as and when possible!
Hi Vikram bhai!
Lucky to have stumbled upon your blog.
I would call it soul feed!!So please keep it coming!!See you @ Navratri, its been years since I met you.
Lots of love,