Hi everyone!
Just flew back with Guruji from an absolutely stunning visit to Arunachal Pradesh. No phone, no email, guess it was a vacation of sorts 🙂
Loved reading all your comments as soon as I got back home, will post pics of the visit etc after Guruji leaves for Bangalore tomorrow.
Cheers all
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Hi Vikram,
I am an ardent Fan of yours. I try to attend your Satsangs if they are in Mumbai. Could you please tell me as to how I can procure information for the time as well as place of your Satsangs. Some time back after a Satsang you had mentioned you wanted new lyrics for Bhajans. I have a few Bhajan lyrics which may be of use to you and I would be glad to give them to you. You can contact me on vsdaking@gmail.com
Jai gurudev Vikram ji..and thanks for taking time out for all of us !!
Dada you love to be in “Agyatvaas” na ? But its very fair after having a schedule like yours.Eagerly looking forward for the pics !!!!!!!!!! Miss you .jgd
Hey there… Could u suggest a nice digital SLR camera…
u dint answer my question..is media involved in not bringing matters to light?how does it ork?i genuinely wanted to know..
ruchira roy
Beauty!! 🙂
Jai Gurudev!
jgd,V.B, thanks for giving all the informations tru blog.
Manoj Rao
dearest bhaiya,
we really missed you !!!!! waiting for your
Ruchira — the less said about the role of our media the better! Suddenly they seem to have woken up and are asking all kinds of questions, but where were they when these issues were brewing openly for a dozen years? And after all the hoopla about “irreparable damage” to the Taj hotel, we discover it is reopening before Christmas!!
Vaibhav: the “nicest” DSLRs i hv seen of late are
Leica M8
Canon 1DS mk3
Canon 5D mk2
Nikon D3
Vidyut: My next concert in Bbay is Jan 4th at Tata Theatre, NCPA. Yu cd email bhajan lyrics to me, thanks