Not many people know this, but Pandit Nityanand Haldipur has for long been my favourite flautist; unfortunately I never had the opportunity to hear him play live, and since his public appearances are rare, I didn’t have my hopes up either 🙂
This was to be a Sunday treat I guess, as he gave a fabulous performance to a small but devout audience this morning, and I got to take pictures as well! I won’t attempt to describe the performance, except to say that many years ago, the first recording of Nityanandji’s I heard was Raga Yamani Bilawal, and he played it today as well, to my utter and unabashed delight. You can read what critics have said about him here, and a wonderful interview here that offers much insight into the life of one of the unsung stalwarts of Indian classical music.
Wow what a delight !!!
I could read the the interview and about the performance . Thanks for sharing !!
Thank you for being an inspiration, bhaiya.
Jai Gurudev
Hi Vikram! This is Preeti. I m an ardent fan of yours. I would love to come and see you perform if you can please let me know about your Satsangs to be held in Mumbai.I have once come for your Satsang in Feb probably held at montBlanc, Kemps Corner.It was lovely. Looking forward to your future Satsangs.
You know dada this is what makes you so unique !!! Even being such a multi talented person you are so down to earth & you never fail to compliment a true talent.Good to meet whom you look up to !!!! jgd
Disciples were walking with Jesus. They were hungry and tired. Then Jesus told them to carry a stone. Everyone carried heavy stones as much as they could carry. But Judas took a small stone. After a while Jesus ordered these stones to turn in to bread. Judas got a small piece of bread which was not enough to satisfy his hunger.
As they continued their walk Jesus told them to carry a stone each. Every one carried a small stone where as Judas took heavy stones. On the way there was an apple tree; Jesus told them to throw the stones at the apple tree. Every one got an apple but Judas couldn’t throw the stone far due to heavy weight and hedidn’t get an apple.
The Journey continued, and then Jesus told them to carry two stones. Judas, the cunning fellow carried one big and one small stone. He thought that if Jesus ordered these stones to turn into as earlier his big stone become bread and he will get an apple tree with the small stone.
Where as other disciples took two stones which were of more or less, the same size. Jesus knew that the road ahead was full of thorns and stones. So he ordered them to put the stones down. Those stones turned into sandals. Here Judas couldn’t walk with his sandals because they were not of same size.
Many a times we are like Judas trying to do things in our own way, let’s try to be simple hearted and try to do what Jesus wants us to do.
Hey vikram bhaiya…..this is ravish jain from indore…..
this sunday on follow up i heard that u r coming indore in jan… soon as i heard that i was jumping…..
m really waiting for your concert here… was a gr8 experience wid u in DSN here in karfew…..:-)
waiting for you…..
jai gurudev……
Deepan: there is no question of having any airs about one’s music — there are so many brilliant people out there. If you were to hear Nityanandji even once you would forget about other much-hyped celebrity performers. Here it is not a case of me appreciating a great talent, rather the post was to indicate that it was a stroke of fortune that i cd have the privilege of hearing him play.
Though jesus has not specified wat size of stones to be picked and for wat purpose at different times…. The people have picked up the right stones accordingly….. may be this is how the simple hearted stay connected to the Master.
Beyond the words..
Thank u Janaki for sharing this with us
Is that getting stuck to “celebrities” or known people hampers the thought of identifying a person with extraordinary talent and just enjoying the very experience??
yup I think our society currently seems to have a rather unhealthy preoccupation with following page 3 lifestyles, perhaps vicariously trying to enjoy the same 🙂 Many performers, consequently, think it is more profitable to play to the gallery and resort to sundry gimmicks to elicit louder applause and more “box-office” success. That’s fine for them, but I guess they lose out on the purest enjoyment of their art, which in my book is tantamount to suicide!