Deserted streets, save for some stray dogs, a few old hangers-on, and of course in the inner lanes or gullies, kids playing cricket! Holidays? Bandhs? Nope, its Indore’s first total curfew since 1984 (Indira Gandhi’s assassination – but that was all over India)
Friends of ours in the police inform us that its a purely political issue, some stone-throwing by miscreants escalating into a “communal” riot situation. And so its been the past three days. But that’s not the news I wanted to share.
The news is that my DSN course has continued uninterrupted despite the tense situation. Not a single participant missing, they come in early when curfew is relaxed in the morning for an hour, and go home smiiling at day’s end during an evening respite in the curfew. Its amazing to see a hundred people, absolutely unperturbed, v focussed, sincere in their purpose to make a difference to the society they live in. What a pleasure to teach this joyful group of “yes” minds!
Sent from my BlackBerryยฎ wireless device
Jai gurudev, Hope u remember me, I was one of those participants of Indore DSN, It was our pleasure indeed to come across such a wonderful person like you, and what a beutiful experience we all had in that course, thanks vikram bhaiya. – Anurag Geete
Dear vikram bhaiya,
I M glade that finally you got smile on name of DSN course at indore.this bring all new exprience to all put more energy to me and all of us at indore who done this course with u. i don’t know which power brings me at venue of course during such tence situation every day on time. i thing this is your commitment and presence which inject in to all us to do course at any how with grace of satguru sri sri ….
i was an wonderful exprience . i will never forget at all
thank u
thank u 100 much
abhay sharma
Dear Vikram,
JGD. It deserved more lines than u had put in. I did Padma Sadhana & kriya today. It took me full two hours. Is it ok?
Can I do Mudra Pranayam during Dhyan of Padma Sadhana?
Yours Truly,
Col Sandeep Sharma
Sweet Vikram Bhaiya, Jai Guru Dev.
This all happen due to your love and discipline.
I was really very disappointed coz I was waiting for DSN only by u and I got it. This is also due to one of the knowledge point i.e. be 100%.
Since Part-I I wanted to be a teacher of AOL and I m doing all the courses very fast. Yesterday u also compliment me that u are eligible for TTC and “Chalo ab TTC mae milenge”.
Ones again thanks a lot to complete our DSN in a hard situation.
Kindly send me your Birth & Anniverssary dates.
Thanks & regards.
Your truely
Manish Joshi
AOL, Indore (M.P)
oh i wish if i were one of those 100 dsn participants .
Hey Vikram Bhaiyya
Wassup?..I really love reading our blogs, please write more regularly though ;).
Somehow while reading the last comment of this post a thought came to my mind. In my TTC-1, I remember that after i had spoken very softly on 1 instance, you had reprimanded me saying – You can become a good teacher – but not of the ‘Art Of Living’. Institutions like ‘Vipashana’ will definitely take you. ๐
I had laughed it off then..but I think the words of enlightened people like you are inline with the way nature works. And coincidentally i have never got a chance to apply for phase-2 thereafter (sob).
Now please bless so that I can come for TTC-2 at the earliest. ๐
Jai Gurudev Bhaiyya…sushma from Kalyan, Mumbai.
thanks for this blog….has just put that smile back on my face.
I was so surprised when falguni rao mm. rang me up and requested for curfew passes to be arranged for the participants. The course must be providing a zillionth level motivation and inspiration for people to continue to attend even during curfew. I am sad for the bleeding lovely city of mine, but my hesrt gets emboldened by the spirit of its residents ,who augure a bautiful day again very soon.
Yogesh c.
Guna (M.P.)
hey vikram bhaiya…
jai gurudev…
last few days hv been a total holiday time with u arnd at home …
The course went uninterrupted … inspite of all odds, firstly ur not feeling well and then the curfew …
its pure bliss to hv u here in indore…
thanx for ur presence… thanx for eveything…… :-)))
Dear Vikram Bhaiya,
Amazing experience of Grace, committment of all the participants & what happens when we Do not say no.
We will increase the projects in Indore, Also need you more in Indore for further guidance.
Sachin Chansarkar Indore.
aah ..indorees comin 2 ya blog.seems gr8..our spirit did get elated during dsn.u were a genuine n inspiring person all thru it.thnx a lot.n i obsereved dat ya voice seems so true coz it cums thru ya soul.god bless..
jai gurudev
hey vikram bhaiya……
this is ravish jain here….
d DSN was awesome….
i had many things 2 apply in ma lyf….
ur satsang was rocking….
i too play keyboard so it was more interesting to hav course wid sum1 related 2 music….
pls so come indore frequently….
wid loads of love……
jai gurudev….
i’ve been thinking about what to write ever since u’ve published this post..for once i’m truely speechless!!
i dont know what to say..dsn with full-on curfew?? woooowww…amazing grace(singing it…not producing d same effect tho..!!) :))
hey vikram bhaiya hw r u??? remember me i m puneet frm indore, the dsn course u took here ws amazing as it is done successfully inspite of dis riots……
well i hav dout bhaiya dat i cannot sit in padmasan 4 a long time so while doin my sahaj dyaan during padmsadhna can i sit on chair… as we r told 2 sit in most comfortable position 4 sahaj with back straight?
with love…..
hi , bhaiya
i m deepak hope u recognise. i have started my DSN .and hope when we meet next time i would have been done lots of work for society.
u are very inspiring. hope we will meet soon. i have lots to talk to u.
deepak shukla
Jai Gurudev Bhau…
Reading about my home town Indore in your words on your blog is like bliss…
Don’t know whether you remember me or not, but last time you were there, you complimented on my name saying, ‘You’ve beautiful name! After enlightenment, you will become Anu-SriSri…’ My name being Anushree!
Loads of luv,
Currently working in Google India,
And, I so wished to be there this time… I really want to do a course, DSN/TTC/any, with you.
If only, all our wishes come true!!!
wow ๐ Your grace works. I am yet to see you… Hope i see you soon!! ๐ Badly waiting for that day! ๐ ๐
Yet to do my DSN… ๐ hope i do it with you!
Jai Gurudev!
thts awesome bhaiyya. Thats gr88 news. AOL courses will always continue inspite of tense situation. Bhaiyya I did DSN course with you in pune. I am daily practising 1 round of Padma.
Jai Gurudev
hello Vikram baiya,
Jai Gurudev. How I wish I was part of this DSN group. Could you please do a favour. Am from Chennai. Can you please suggest when you would be doing a DSN course in Chennai/ Bangalore next time. Shall look forward to your reply. Thanks.
Jai Gurudev Dev
Respected, Dearest, Devine, Our Vikram Bhaiya
I really great full to have a DSN with u it was like โSONE PE SUHAGAโ.
Bhai THE Personality u r keeping is really obliging for those who are already in academics. May be u remember me or not but, I was the very enthusiastic fellow who copied u a lot. Thanks Bhai u had indirectly solved my problem. I donโt know how I can express my regards to u, but i can assure u, on 15 August 2008, I & my Group will Organize โ Blood Donation Campโ. We all are deliberately waiting for September, when we will meet again. Please Guide us, we need guidance.
Love You Bhaiya.
My Mail ID โ
Shikha Upadhya
Jai gurudev bhaiya
i Hope u remember me, I was one of those participants of Indore DSN vaibhav,it was a wonderful tour of life after that every thing goes right and perfect in my life…
its all your and guruji grace to me.
thank you