The Sanskrit word for birthdays is Jayanti. Jayanti means the pinnacle
of victory. Victory is always associated with duality, war, conflict,
but birth is beyond conflict because it is celebration. This is when
the ocean became the wave and will become ocean again after some
years. A birthday is a time to remember that the Atman (Soul/Self) was
free at one time, then took name and form and became an individual
being. After so many years once again the wave will go back to the
Therefore a birthday is a time for the wave to remember its
magnanimity; it’s true nature that it is part of the universal
spirit, divinity. Then the atman gets the strength of the ocean.
On Birthdays here we don’t blow out candles but light lamps. We move
from light to light. We rejoice in the memory of our true nature and
pray for more and more victory in all aspects of our life so that we
can do more service. Knowledge is when we remain happy in our true
nature, which is love.
No celebration is complete without meditation. Meditation helps to
seep the celebration/ happiness deeper into our being. So meditate 5-7
minutes whenever you celebrate.
(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)
© The Art of Living Foundation
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hello sir,
no words jus a simple thanks and pranams
I really Liked the Blowing candles and lighting lamp exaple. Really has shown up a complete different way of my understanding of birthdays….