errr yes I’ll admit it, I do have too many gadgets. In guitarist’s lingo we call it GAS — Gear Acquisition Syndrome. And guess what — we NEVER outgrow it. Yesterday I was privileged to spend an hour hanging out in the studios watching Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy at work on their next superhit soundtrack (I’m not kidding — it sounded even better than Rock On!)
And would you believe it — Ehsaan let me feel up all his guitars — it was all I could do to stop drooling all over them — his latest is a Tom Anderson Custom Classic strat that is the closest to guitar heaven you can get! The coolest thing is that he is still as excited by guitar gear today as a teenager — way to go guys.
Tina is still laughing at the look on my face when I waltzed back into the house.
But seriously I’ve been thinking I have too many guitars, cameras, processors, doodads, cables — they’re pouring out of every cupboard. I have found that there is no end to getting the “latest latest” — whatever you get is obsolete within three months, and the sad part is that the new ones somehow don’t seem to work as well.
I have switched back to older Mac Powerbooks (G4) as the Intel chips on the new ones didn’t cut it for me. My older camera seems to be giving me better results — it seems each time I want to do something better with the new one I need another lens or another filter, or have to resort to some complicated software shenanigans to achieve the desired result.
Maybe its a ‘phase’ as my mother likes to call it, maybe by next year I shall move up to the Canon EOS 5D Mark 2 with HD movie capability, and take Ehsaan’s advice and pick up a Parker Fly Mojo (now that they have a MIDI version as well!) But at this moment, this is how I feel. So if you have friends out
there who want to buy expensive guitars (sniff) as well as some good cameras/lenses — plz ask them to email me — I shall provide a list of what’s available. Quick, before I change my mind!
hi vikram it really was a pleasure having you over at the studio ……. it really is something and am very excited about doing the course and that too interacting with the person involved in carrying the Guruji’s word forward with the medium of music !!!
jgd baiyya !! how much time ur going to give us to mail u?? or any other fast way to contact u like a call?? will it be possible !! cos we have a guitar fanatic in our midst!! so can u suggest another way to contact u about it??
…Are you kidding at that one ? 🙂 …
Great to see Ehsaan’s comment !
And ya, it goes without saying that you are way too lucky !
That’s nice of you to offer help!
so its true OLD is Gold!! 🙂
bhai thats too good i want to buy a camera a good camera which even can take pictures in moving car above cybershot…. can u plzzzzzzzzz provide me the info….
Thats nice.
hey anon
moving car or no moving car, it boils down to your skill as a photographer. However, there are some things I would consider essential. A wide lens (24mm wd be nice) and a maximum aperture of at least f2.8, as well as full manual controls and the ability to shoot RAW files. The rest is up to you — and most things anyway have to be postprocessed at least to some degree in the computer afterwards.
About the guitars
No rush, I’m home in Bombay this week, so you can email your requests in, and I shall mail you with details of the guitars in a day or two 🙂
I guess it would have been easier to put up the lot on the blog but it would probably violate the website rules.
It really is a different and fresh perspective one gets in your posts and of your interactions with people and objects. Makes for an easy and delightful read. I never miss your posts. Infact this is the only blog I follow, because unlike many, yours is not a vulgar display of intellect or knowledge.
“Latest latest”… the eternal problem(materialistic). It takes a lot… a LOTT of awareness to keep track of.
Hi Bhaiya….
Ohhhh….Its gr8 that u met these people…They are the champs…its either the trio SEL or The Great AR Rahman that appeals to me but again after you of course:)
Wonder if u wd have planned to do smthg together…Ohhhh it would be mind blowing if smthg like this could happen!!!
Ehsaan reading and commenting ur blog…thats too cool:-)
With Love,
Siddharth Sukhija
A good carpenter does not require lot of tools for making a good chair. You have both .. luck and money for spending on your passion… All the best see you soon with your new G&C…..
Wow!!you mentioned so many gadgets in one post,Its making me drool all over my keyboard..after all Boys do love their toys :D…Love your songs..
Believe me there’s never enough money — one just has to decide where to draw the line! Earlier I used to buy cheaper gear and modify or gradually upgrade by replacing parts with better quality ones, but its a long drawn-out process, and I really don’t have that kind of time any more. Also, portability is an issue since I travel more than ever now. My 12-inch powerbook actually goes in my suitcase and is checked-in!
The Leica D-Lux 4 wd be my camera of choice for an unobtrusive, walk-around camera, waiting for prices to drop a bit more. Or else one upgrades — 50D, 5D mark 2….its endless. Right now I have a 400D with a battery grip and a really good Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 lens, very very handy; thats what I shot most of the pics on this blog on. Needless to say I wd be open to selling it off at this point 🙂
hey vikram nice pics of all your guitars 🙂 am still reeling after the meeting with Guruji and the visit to the Ashram . Feel blessed that life has finally pointed me in one more direction along with my music !!!
and pal please dont sell those guitars 🙂
What kind of lenses you have… I have with me a Canon 1000D SLR and 2 lenses…
a 18-55 IS & a 28-300 Tamaron… i know these 2 are good enough but if u have any suggestions then let me know.
Nice to see ehsaan’s comments. They delivered the music long awaited by many music lovers. If Ehsaana is reading this, would not it be great if you produce an album with Vikram Bhayia ? I cannot imagine the result. It would be a great boost to the spirits of young generation and unlike movie songs bhajans are for ever. The album will last for long long time.
If it ever get produce let me tell you it will be the best music produced of all times for me 🙂
“I guess it would have been easier to put up the lot on the blog but it would probably violate the website rules”
Nope Vikrambhaiya, it will enrich your blog. Unless things are copy pasted from another web site or blog.
After your review you can link for that gadget or guitar to appropriate good site or blog that gives it specification rates etc…..
Jgd,,I am thrilled to know different qualities of Vikramji……GIZMOS & GURUJI … opposite and compliment to each other. People talk about road less traveled and here I go with longer route as i can listen more music during my journey… Desire to compile good offbeat devotional music DVD this diwali… Suggestions needed.. tracks so far like… Sanso ki mala mein / Niharwa…/ Chauhaga mein tuje/ Aisa socha na tha/ Tu hai Asman main/ Tu is tarah / O palan hare/ Tu m jo mil gaye / Har taraf tera jalwa/ ….. pl guide.
Sanjay Punjabi