Photography has always been a passion and an inspiration; the visual still image affects me much more than audio or video. I’m always intrigued by photographs — they are a window for us to experience other people’s lives; they reveal our deepest emotions to public view; they introduce us to new ways of seeing and feeling the world around us.
At the same time, how much of this order is captured by the photographer, and how much is imposed by his own perspective, attitude and intent? This is an eternal debate, to which I must admit I seek no cut and dried solution 🙂
My father is one of the finest photographers I have ever met, even though he doesn’t shoot professionally, doesn’t publish his work and has now switched to a prosumer digital (he always shot on transparencies in the film days) Some of the insights he has given me regarding perspective and composition have psyched even seasoned pros with whom I have discussed this! Of course it will probably take an age to manifest in my work, but ummeed pe duniya kaayam hai!
I recently acquired my much-deliberated Panasonic Lumix LX3 and you know what? It’s perfect for the kind of photography I do these days ie mostly casual, wide-angle, documentary for publishing on the web. I have actually been shooting Jpegs (forsooth!) for the first time in two years, and uploading them with almost no editing whatsoever! (Eg the singapore, jogjakarta, borobudur pics)
Its quick and painless, and allows me to remain an anonymous spectator, with a ringside seat to the drama around. I’m in the process of setting up a photostream on Flickr, so in a couple of days you can view my pics at
Happy viewing!
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lovely photographs there Vikram, thanks! let me switch over to a topic that i need you to giude me on as a teacher… ‘building more self-confidence and self-worth’. hope to read something inspiring. my sensitive nature makes me shy away from aggressive or stressful situations.
The best about photographs is that each person lookout is different for the same. But in the case of video it is almost the same if not different.
Very nice pics !!
I hope there will be some of the pictures on your website too. Sitting here in Dubai, access to is blocked beacuse apparently it falls under the ‘prohibited content categories’ of the UAE’s Internet access mgmt policy.
Anyways, looking forward to seeing you in Dubai too!!
Best Regards,
The fotos could’nt open.Sorry.
I need a piece of advise from you. The problem I am facing with is – I alway sit in Judgement in every walk of my life,while walking on road, talking with someone, doing something and in every sep of my life. Thereby I am losing my peace and always agitated. PLEASE HELP ME.
I am doing yoga+pranayam+kriya regularly. Still I am unable to come of this problem. Hence please guide.
With warm regards,
Hey Vikrambhaiya,
You are taking easier way out. Just upload whole bunch of pics one at a time.
Common, don’t be lazy. Start Upload one picture a day for us. Give title to the picture, write something about the picture and perhaps photography tips and techniques, tag the pictures.
That would be a better xp for everyone.
hehehe yu r right alpesh. Let me first upload the flickr pics, and then maybe we shd work towards a photo blog.
People — Alpesh is the one who has been doing all the slogging to get the website up and running from scratch; if not for him I wd probably still be postponing the thought of writing a blog, so actually your thanks are due to him, and to Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi who is his source of inspiration and energy!
Hey viki how are you? Long time since i met you. How is mom and dad and api. give them my regard.
JGD, Vikram bhaiya,
I have been a fan of ur singing, but have not doen any course under ur guidence. so, i was going through ur blog. saw the link with pics.
I tried the link, but couldn’t c the pics. how can i view them.