A little more about the photographs in the comment responses 🙂
..also shot from the moving car as we drove past!
As Program Director of the International Art of Living Foundation, I travel, teach, sing, smile and serve, and strive to excel as an instrument of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, whose goal is to put the smile back on every face on this planet.
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Nice Photos, are these with your Panasonic or a latest aquisition ?
I am enjoying the canon 70-200mm zoom which i got from you. Good for close up photos of my Kid.
Jai Gurudev
WOW…. Loved all the photos….
wow…. beautiful 🙂
Vikram ,please please send the third pic in some contest …quick !fast!
Since its not patented ..i’ve already saved a copy of it with me.
All the others are also coool !
Raghuveer: yes these are shot with the LX3 from a moving car, and hv not been edited or touched up, except for minor cropping n straightening 🙂
awesum pics!!!
nice pics Vikramji…and u’ve got the cirrus clouds well.cirrus clouds tend to pick up deep colours from the end of the rainbow , mostly orange/red. sometimes yellow if the moisture is more in the atmosphere.
Rajesh Kapadia
Amazing photos there. Can’t believe these are moving shots.
Rajesh: Thats right. I drove on the same road two days later and there wasnt a single cloud or any drama in the light 🙂 Got lucky I guess
Swami: My dad (my photography Guru) says that the moment is always there; and its a matter of chance if we happen to press the shutter at that same instant!
And we spend a lifetime training ourselves to be able to do that 🙂
wow…..amchi mumbai is beautiful ….
just AMAZING!!! the 3rd one is the best:)
jgd… beautiful pics.. 🙂
lai bhari saheb…..khopach chaan…. avadlela ahe. jgd
good pics
love it! Good Job!
Gr8 pics