An interesting word. It appears around midway through the Rudra
Adhyaya (or Rudrapooja as we know it), during the Namakam part.
Sadyojathaha literally means “born in this moment” and of course it is
another apt name for Shiva.
The Divine principle is ever fresh, ever new. Creation is spontaneous,
whimsical, secretive, meticulous and infinitely subtle. A mystery, I
reiterate, not to be unravelled but rather to revel in as we find
ourselves, floating, motionless, dissolving in an oceanic flux of pure
This is really what Shivratri is about. A cosmic conjunction when that
principle is close enough to be palpable to any person who meditates
on it with a clear conscience π
For us sadhaks it is a day (night) of comfort, of stillness, of
dissolution and a reaffirmation of that deep, deep sense of
contentment and tranquility that has seeped inexorably into our lives
since we first experienced the Sudarshan Kriya.
And for the first time, Guruji will celebrate Shivratri in Kolkata,
the abode of Shakti, the complement of Shiva. To me this symbolizes
the union of cosmic energy with universal consciousness, and we are
truly blessed to be witness to such pathbreaking events in spiritualism.
All roads lead to Kolkata’s Rabindra Sarobar stadium at 6pm onwards on
12th Feb. Sanskar TV does have a live telecast from 7:30 onwards,
and for the webcast please go toΒ
Om Namah Shivaya!
Jai Gurudev
Sent from my iPhone
Jai Gurudev
There is a webcast mailer I saw from Ashram communications team for Shivaratri this year.
JGD Bhaiya,
I got the message that there will be webcast of Mahashivratri. Following is the link.
Thanks and Luv
cosmic conjunction !! Never thought of Shivratri that way.Infact never took Shivratri that seriously.
This is going to be the first year I will be celebrating it ..the AOL way.NICE INSIGHTFUL POST
Guru, Deepak: Have amended the post; this happened in the two days that I was away; the organisers have managed to procure and provide the broadband linkup that the ashram team needed to stream the webcast.
Kasturi: Lets try and catch up next month; i have a lot of IT and web-related queries that you wd probably be able to help out with
What am I reading this!!!…cant believe its THE Vikram Hazra π
I’ll be more than happy to help you sir!! Surely Surely :):)
Will you be present there?
Jai Gurudev,
Virkam ji today I finished my Part-1 course in Ashram with Sunit Guruji.The gift giving part is there,in the last hour.You know wht gift I have given,ur Krishan Audio Cd.The person who got the cd,I told him that when any thing bad happens to you,remember Guruji and Play the song.
with regards