I have been getting a lot of requests to comment on the political
scenario in India, but let me tell you from first-hand experience
that most of the talk being thrown around these days has left me
cold. For instance, the Congress govt is of course corrupt and
incompetent, but are the BJP, SP or CPI(M) an alternative by any
stretch of the imagination? Where is their young leadership, and who
says they are any less corrupt and morally inept?
I find it interesting that the BJP is using Hinduism so aggressively
as a campaign strategy, but in reality are Hindus united at all? Not
in the least. I have witnessed Guruji’s many sincere and skillful
attempts to bring people together in a shared interest of national
security and cultural identity, but there are so many factions who
have stoutly refused to put their egos aside for the common good. In
that case, let Hindus suffer, while Muslims, Christians and Jews each
stand up so strongly for their community and ensure that their
wellbeing is catered to. Please don’t get me wrong; I do feel India
would function best as a Hindu state which is tolerant and supportive
of other religions, rather than a so-called secular democracy which
lacks a personality and identity. But for that, we need a lot more
groundwork, and at least a generation’s worth of education before our
people have the self-esteem and moral fibre to stand up for their
Secondly, please don’t feel that Guruji is asking us to vote for a
particular party. he simply wants us to participate responsibly in
the democratic process, and preferably ensure that a single-party
majority is achieved, which will enable them to work unshackled by
the limitations of a fickle coalition. Suppose all the candidates
from different parties were to queue up at His door and ask for
blessings — His job is to bless all of them (“May the truth
prevail”) and to love them unconditionally, and I know for certain
that Guruji always does his job!
Thirdly, there is a lot of talk among some Art of Living circles that
we will decide the next govt because we have so many devotees, all of
whom will do Guruji’s bidding without a question. If that were truly
the case, then let all these devotees take certain basic steps such
as not paying bribes, keeping their surroundings clean, educating
their children well — I know there are many who do this, but I am
saying that we need many many more to make a marked difference.
Countries like Japan and Singapore prosper not because there is
strict discipline, but because their citizens willingly follow those
rules. And they follow them not out of fear, but with the confidence
that these strictures and policies will ensure that they and their
children lead safer, more comfortable lives.
The democratic process is a cornerstone on the road to realising the
vision of an ideal society, and right now we have an electorate
devoid of vision and starved for choices. Simply flogging your
franchise is not the solution — educating the masses about the vast
possibility of their lives, and getting them to acknowledge and take
pride in their national and cultural identity is a fundamental need
of the moment.
Well Said!!!
fantabulous bhaiya!!! it gives a very clear and crisp idea of how the system should be in a very simplified way….
JaiGuruDev !
Bhaiya…….but right now the time is to exercise our franchise !!
Deepak: Obviously. Duuuh read again
Great ONe.. Bhaiyah..! 🙂 🙂 True… hope i can use it in my blog 🙂
Bhaiyah.. i couldnt help noticing the Labels in the sidebar… and Tina(7) 🙂 🙂
he he.. 🙂
dear vikram,
good to read your idea abt current political scenario. What you are saying is true for ideal state but you think about ideals when you have basic met. you dont talk abt ideals when your house is set on fire….. And more over wat you said if political leaders come to HIS door and ask for his blessing then HE will do HIS job…. I think if they will come to ask HIS blessing for victory… i doubt HE GIVES EVERYTHING WHAT YOU ASK BUT ITS TOLD TO ME BY A GREAT AOL TEACHER THAT HE WILL NOT GIVE YOU WHAT YOU DESIRE BUT WHAT YOU NEED… so perhaps HE will look for long term solution to problem. and moreover your article as this point is very disappointing like filled with apathy of situation and i dont think sewa warriors of gurudev and one like you standing in war field (which i think we are in a war field now) talks abt apathy of situation rather that take action. more over I think its far better to single minded inspire all to vote for BJP there are reasons as follows:
1. They are far more better than congress when it come to national security and national integrity.
2. I dont agree that vote for change is complete slogan to shout. In that process all the vote might go against congress but might get divided among the other parties and we give them chance to (devils of congress who has looted lots of money during there governance to buy the MPs to have their government) so its far better to tell people who listen you and follow you to tell them one single party which I believe BJP is best as par now.
3. Any allies of congress and CPI or CPM should not be put close to governance as they have got it for number of places and we know what they have given to our system. like for communist parties you can see after ruling bengal for more than 35 yr that they have done to state only infiltration of bangladeshis. and congress has ruled the nations for long enough to prove their incompetency every time.
4. we need to vote single mindedly for BJP so that we can throw congress away from power which is controlled by a italian christain sonia and propagating rahul who doesnt use even indian passport.
5. we need to vote single mindedly for BJP so that we can throw congress away from power whose worker are so deluded in praising one family lineage (sign of monarchy) which is anyways not good for a democratic country like INDIA.
so i think we have lots reason why single mindedly we get together and inspire people to vote for change and vote for BJP this time.
anything doesnt go wrong so from my side I am not a political person but i am a patriot who love his country and culture and cant see some devils hijacking out culture.
any question or explanation which i couldnt follow from your writing please mail me at dinesh4aol@gmail.com
Jai gurudev
Well said Dinesh. Actually the current anti-incumbency wave is so strong that even if BJP does nothing it cd still come to power quite easily; I think we are all agreed that Cong has to go. Many of your thoughts, while correct in principle, have not much basis in fact. Do you know that in many places it has been Cong that has encouraged AOL activities whereas BJP has actually opposed it? I myself have found opposition from RSS people as well, that too on very flimsy grounds. I just feel that it is we who try to help these people but often they do not deserve our help. As I wrote before, I would love to see a pro-Hindu govt in power, but at the same time we have to have such a strong and educated voter base that we crack the whip if these people fall short in their duty. As for my article being apathetic, I disagree — I have been actively working on these issues for over ten years and I have firsthand experience of most of the issues that people are discussing — I just want to say that matters are a bit more complex and convoluted than you might perceive. When BJP went out of power last time, many of their people came to meet Guruji and admitted that they had been so busy holding on to their chairs that they had not even visited their constituency once in the entire five years!
I would urge you and all intelligent, patriotic youth of the country to take a strong stand, but don’t be swayed by false promises that fan your anger to achieve selfish ends.
JaiGuruDev !
Bhaiya….Your issues are right but i’m sorry to say that this is not the time to discuss these issues. This is the time to elect/select our government. Until we create a better/best option we need to select the best from the available options and by any stretch of imagination it can’t be the congress and its allies.
Vikram bhaiya thanks a ton for writing about politics, i had posted as anonymus last time cuz i was really angry that you weren’t writing on this subject 🙂
Tell me one thing, if congress comes in power then what is going to happen? This idea only shakes me and is giving me sleepless nights…its not that i am not going to vote but according to all recent estimates, the chance of UPA coming in power is very much!
In that case will it be good for us? Please help 🙂
ps You work everyday so much, still there are no recent albums of you? Why haan? If you have been bestowed with such a great voice, then you ought to make more albums just for us 🙂
pps please reply soon 🙂
Love, Love, Love
Deepak: As I said before, that point is a given anyway — the Cong is not an option at all. And actually this is the right time to discuss these issues. Voting is already about to begin, we shd have decided all those obvious things by now. It might interest you that devotees like yourself had exactly the same discussions five years ago as well, and I heard a lot of views like yours, but all of them seemed to go to sleep after that and are again making noise now, while some of us were actually travelling thru the country, meeting villagers, youths, politicians, businessmen, housewives, students and farmers alike, endeavouring to engineer viable and sustainable solutions for them. Its interesting that all the armchair pundits start sending righteous emails out a week before polling, and when we are in the field we have nobody there to work with us. I dont mean to sound bitter, I just want to wake you up that there is a lot of hard work to be done at ground level, and I have always found us lacking in manpower for such things. Guruji has time and again called for youth like yourself to come forward and work, and I really look fwd to that day.
Siddharth: Being “angry” about what I write on my personal blog was really dumb on your part — all you had to do was send an email with a specific question (as everyone else does) and I would have posted about it. Anonymous posts are usually just deleted so they dont serve any purpose.
Secondly, my work as Program Director of the Art of Living foundation usually does not even leave me time to practise or rehearse music, much less plan a new album. I usually touch my guitar only when I am on stage! Anyway, you will be happy to know that I am taking some time off to rehearse and plan two albums which shd be ready by the end of the year, I do agree music is a gift and I have not given it that much priority as I shd have!
So next time onwards please just drop an email, I wd be very happy to write on any topics that you guys are interested in, and also I wd appreciate if you fwded the blog links to more people, esp non-AOL, as it opens a new readership for us.
Dear vikram
This is another reason why congress need to go. the government which cant provide the basic frame work of security for the people of country has no right to stay. this is a fact.
let talk about other facts:
for these reason also congress must go.
And what other facts I need to give you is here about media
And more over I am not denying that we dont need stronger base at the social level with honest and transparent system but as per a healthy democratic process also i think one party sitting in government is not a healthy sign for democratic country or any system as its nature of mind that power corrupts
Lastly you might have first hand experience that BJP has opposed AOL activities and
congress has supported but as guruji has recently talking abt voting he said when you vote for state government think of regional good people but when you are voting for centre think of national people unfortunately there is not so good people out there i agree but congress is devil because command is not a healthy sign for india (out of more than 1 billion people we dont have single one that we need a italian that’s a shame).
And lastly I also stand by you for stronger social structure but for that we dont have to close the work on this front once election is done. why dont from AOL frame work we come up with program which make people socially more active and responsible directly. Currently I am working on a book about experiences around Gurudev. Hopefully soon I will give it to guruji. Then i want to take up something which we can plan at national level to engage people more actively. Might be having our local teams which can take up issues directly.
The video about media is all the facts are true which i believe are then I think they have got the remote control to condition people mind the they want which is very dangerous situation. i dont know what is the solution but i strongly feel there is solution is for any problem… and You from journalism background must be knowing abt the problem more detail. If you can enlighten me it will be great.
Jai gurudev
dearest bhaiya;
first of all;i want to thank you for this blog
somehow even after going thru the comments!! i strongly and firmly believe in what you have actually written in your personal blog!!. As an indian citizen , and a great patriot myself; i do believe the best for my country; but being any pro govt. how the problems of the countries are going to get solved. infact when my non aol friends asked me wheather your organisation is political or spiritual?????. i had no answer???, what i feel very strongly that the whole energy of the youth or whose soever should go in some concrete things; yes we can request EVERYONE to utilise their voting power judiciously. nothing more than that. if any aol person strongly believes for any party , then let them take the ticket and fight the election ,come in power and then do the necessary action.the entire system is so corrupt that first we need to fight for that mainly poverty, which is leading to the conversion of religions. today an ordinary citizen needs ‘roti’ first. i am sorry to say that “all that glitters is not gold”. any educated indian knows what to do and what not?but what ever happening in todays scenario is not right. i respect GURUJI’s decision.JAI GURU DEV!!!!!!
Thanks for the reply, really lloking forward to the end of this year now 🙂
Sorry for the outburst…will be careful next time!
Jai Gurudev
To an extent I agree with your opinion that anti-congress doesnt mean only BJP should be supported..When Gurudev keeps talking about Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Which we all would have experienced when we travel out of our comfort zone(a.k.a India) to see we being taken care of by non-indians/hindus so well), would it be ok to have a party with strong hindutva sentiments in the centre which would also mean that the broad minded non-hindus also would be seen with jaundiced eyes??
Also, NDTV had mentioned that there are more candidates in BJP in this election with criminal background than in any other party— which is appalling (unless those with criminal background have been reformed and then contesting). Its understandable that there is no logical option beyond BJP at the moment, but isn’t that forcing the citizens to choose a better devil among those in the race than an angel?
How about composing a song version of this political view, Vikram (bhaiya)?
With love
one party getting majority is not the issue … its better to have 20 honest and sincere groups working in tandem ..then a single corrupt bunch .
Hi Vikram Bhaiya,
Thanks for sharing your views on this much important. I learned from some of friends that in election we have also few candidates from AOL. And we also plan to participate and going to have candidates from AOL in the front runners? Why cant we establish the party and have our candidates and change the world around us.
Kindly share your view.
Jai Gurudev
Thanks and Regards,
JGD Vikram bhaiyya,
1)Is the yardstick for a good government whether it is supportive of AOL or not?
2)About finding nobody on the field to work, Everytime there is a crisis, some AOL teachers say that AOL has the solutions but enough people are not working towards implementing them. If AOL had the solutions and at least some people work for AOL(its not the biggest NGO for nothing), then why situations only seem to get worse. For example, terrorism is one such issue. And it can always be said that enough people are not working under AOL. How much is enough? Six billion?
3)Don’t you think its best not to think in the lines of religion as it polarises the people and they are ready for another violent clash. A related question would be, does God actually like violence bcoz if there were only peace, people may forget to pray? Dont you think Materialism is working just fine with a dash of Spirituality for those who want it?
4)Contrary to the above point however, i do feel appalled that we Hindus are so weak and are not a force on the global level. Hindu-bashing is fashion today. But what are the chances that Hindus can actually be empowered considering the maxim that history repeats itself.
Jai Gurudev.
Floyd: I totally agree 🙂
Kamal: Excellent points.
1) Not at all, I just mentioned that point to clarify the opposite — that AOL shd support BJP and vice versa, which I dont feel is true or viable.
2) I dont feel that AOL has all the solutions, but I feel AOL can equip people with the necessary tenacity, endurance and wisdom to work for long-term solutions. And I also feel the numbers are vastly exaggerated by some teachers, the number of people who actually follow very sincerely is fewer, and these people are not in the limelight as such! I shall of course be addressing this issue in a subsequent post sometime; do remind me if I procrastinate 🙂 Interestingly, we are not the biggest NGO (there is no such criterion of measurement) — we cd be called the largest volunteer-based NGO, which in other words means we have a lot of unorganised, unpaid support!
3) I really agree with you here — well said!
4) Yes we keep asking for it. As I said, its really an uphill battle to which I dont see an instant solution
For this very well-informed, well-reasoned and impartial view of the situation, a big Thank You to Vikram bhaiya.
dearest bhaiya,
i do agree what Floyd has written; actually i have seen many such organisations ,just work; there are many good people who just believe in doing good things. at least i have come across people all over India associated with AOL, whose sentiments are hurt. if one MAHATMA GANDHI could get us independence , why cant we believe in ourselves and see that how we can contribute:)
I still prefer the Congress to the BJP. This is because the Congress stands for nothing, while the BJP stands for something pernicious. The BJP has, in its DNA, the politics of divisiveness. It is true that the Congress has also played such politics, but out of convenience, not belief. That makes their acts no less heinous, but, in my eyes at least, it makes them slightly less dangerous because there is less chance of things going wrong, of a repeat of 1984 or 2002.
And ya, it burns me up that I need to decide who I support on the basis of who is less dangerous. That totally sucks, but such it is, so there we go.
Dearest VikramBhaiyya,
The views you have expressed would definitely bring in more awareness of the political scenario in India.
Starting with a Sankalpa and then with Guruji’s grace pouring in, the democratic process should bring in the required results.
Love ‘n’ Cheers
Let me give you an insight into what is happening on ground…..
Shiv Jyoti ji visits a city in MP and asks everyone to go in for a change, and congress-preferring devotees walk out…..
I dont want to go into BJP v/s Congress thing…Congress aint doing much, but who carried Masood Azhar to Kandhar to free him…
There has been only one incident where a serving Chief of the Defence Forces has been sacked without assigning any reason….BJP sacked Admiral Bhagwat…..
The army unit sent to Ahmedabad to quell riots were made to wait on the tarmac for 4 hrs so that BJP hindus could finish off their job….
Did BJP ever move a bill to scrap Article 370 when in power….
Ask anyone in the Army, they got an absolute free hand in Mumbai carnage and our only mandate was to finish off Kasab and Company….it usually doesnt happen that way…we usually fight with one hand tied at the back in such situations…
BJP and RSS has never organaised an AOL course even for their own cadres…..
GURUji has advised us to choose the right candidate….dont we apply our small minds on the way…
We are about to loose more devotees than gain from this projected assn with some party or the other….
Is this the time of education? or action, and on this level also if you give this kind of clarity to your readers is very disappointing, your readers seeks clear picture while you are showing your language skills or your knowledge..disappointing..Most of the time you show your language or writing skills..we want simple your opinion not the writing skills, so please be clear and write your true self.
Dear Anonymous; I wd love to publish everyone’s views but I prefer it when you share your name; hv published this post as I felt all of you shd have a relevant platform here, but please don’t hesitate to write your name as well 🙂
Sameer: The process of education and erudition is constant. Rest assured that everything you read on my blog is my own view, and having been a published writer since the age of twelve I personally set great store by language, form, structure etc, so you’ll just have to deal with it. If there is anything specific you want to know, please email a question and I shall do my best to respond or post about it. Happy reading 🙂
Wow, that was an interesting discussion! Vikram, your writing educates so much. So intelligent and crisp. Loved reading your blog after many days. That poetry by your friend is beautiful.
I have nothing to discuss or comment on this post, am already onto ACTION in the field (in Delhi). Pl give some tips or concrete ideas on how we can strengthen the Vote for Change campaign, remaining aligned with Guruji’s vision.
Love, Jai Gurudev, Saleel
Right now as I go thru the comments on your blog, its interesting to see how so many people get defensive/emotional/prejudiced/biased about the various issues currently plaguing the political scenario.
Wouldn’t it be apt to first become responsible citizens by,
1) owning up our actions?
2) respecting our freedom and not abusing it?
3) ceasing to blame everyone.
4) contributing to positive changes however small they may be, coz small by everyone translates into big overall..
P.S. I think what you have opined is neutral.
Hi Bhaiyaa..
Its a very well balanced view that you have presented.
These are ideas worth spreading!
jai gurudev baiyya
sorry i think it looks like we are having a debate here!!But my point with our friend anonymous is that see its not the time about what they have done in the past!! every party has their own leaders who think its right at that time !! now the point is how to save the future from destroying!! if u dont choose a pro hindu govt now tomorrow u’ll be a minority
secondly , have u seen anybody thinking of converting thirupathi into a tourism spot?? is that idiot mad?? is that congress govt resposible??
thirdly in assam pakistani flag was hoisted in 7 districts no word from manmohan singh govt what do u say about this??
u know there are hundreds and thousands of kashmiri pandits who are living like refugees in their own country without any support or relief from the same congress govt shame on them i despice them completely what do u say about this??
and when in our country ppl are struggling to have one square meal y the hell the govt gave 26 crore to oxford??
and tell me y there is treaury dept for only hindu temples y not for church and darga’s?? y money generated from temples are given to haj when its theor for the development of hindu community?? Y? Y? Y? any ans
@Floyd y dont u see that the hindus are suffering being in their own country because of these appeasements from
the congress govt tell me what have they done from past fifty years ??
tell me in fifty years our economy has gone down so much
thats all baiya
Dear Bhaiya,
I fully agree with you that We should support a Pro Hindu Govt. What we really need to understand is Secularism in Broader Terms, ( this is my Thinking). We support all religions, we work for everybodies growth but at the same time be proud of our Religion and Culture. We should proudly say My Dharm is Hindu. Today’s Youth is so misguided that when they are asked What is your Religion? You very well know what is their answer. Specially the youth who are well educated(literally). Can a tree survive keep away from the Roots. Plants having superficial Roots have always been swept away by the smallest wave. The oldest trees and jungles have the deepest roots and so is Hinduism.
Couldn’t agree with you more. Many of us may have received our education from Christian institutions and imbibed old hand-me-down Christian values… Even as kids we attended Church services on occasions, in school and sang hymns without any fuss from any quarter… I admired the way our Christian friends , without fail, attended Church every week… While our religion gave us the freedom to choose our unique methods and times of worship, it was after joining AOL that I was happy to see that we could also cater to our spiritual needs by attending weekly satsangs, doing sadhana on a regular basis… a discipline came about… in regulating our spiritual lives.. the bedrock of our existence… 🙂 It is a priceless legacy that we have inherited…And it will take several lifetimes for us to discover and imbibe it .Meanwhile,we seek to create a world of Love, Light, Possibility….as we commit ourselves to etching excellence in every sphere , treasuring humanity and goodness everywhere. And … looking forward to you satsang in Kolkata soooooooon! :-)) Jgd.
How I have understood the election process and our role in it is a little differently.
I don,t think that the issue is choosing a good party over a bad party.
The issue is reestablishment of Dharma “Dhramsthapana”, which means that we as Indians wake up from the vision of a society based on material prosperity, Individual freedom vis a vis promotion of family and societal values which uphold the society and the countries together. Today we are witnessing an entrenching of regional and caste based political formations all over the country. This is happenning because when secularism is understood as not upholding of our glorious tradition and culture, rather suppressing it at the drop of a hat, no feeling of Patriotism, National Pride and our role as the world leader, resulting in personal material prosperity as the only ideal presented before the youth of the country (this is what the youth today stands for because of secular education.)This is bound to breed corruption, crime, narrowmindedness and “terrorism”(both based on religion and naxalism) in society. Besides that the secularist and intellectuals joined by the leftists have so much finetuned the art of appeasement as vote bank politics (just as caste and religion based reservations with the real intention of vote bank politics) but finely caemoflagged it as secularism so much so that they become totally blind to the fact that Baber was a foreign invader of our country and will not let the Muslims understand that they need to identify with national symbols and not the the Invaders of our motherland.
How can such people fight terrorism? How can they create a feeling in each and every indian not to let any incidence of terrorism happen in my country as the Americans can. The task is to be undertaken by none else than us and BJP is a party closer in acheiving these goals is the reason why it should be supported.
What people do at local level is influenced by so many factors. Most Art of Living Devotees are influeced to act against the knowledge quite often because of so many factors but the “Guru” “the AVTAR” has his his own way of fulfilling his mission and we only have to surrender and follow his message. Jai Gurudev
Jai Gurudev,
HIS WILL BE DONE. But somehow i am still not convinced to comply with the AOL decree of opting for the lesser evil. The so called lesser evils had perpetrated heinous crimes against all that is humane. They have taken their practice of divisiveness to another level like no other. How do one put them back on the pedestal, without feeling the guilt. How do one ensure that the lesser evils would not resort to their wicked ways to further destabilize the community fabric that makes us. Please enlighten me bhaiyya.