Shobhaa De, whose blog I follow regularly, and whose spunky and youthful attitude I have always admired, happened to attend a satsang of mine on Sunday. I was really flattered that she blogged about it here as soon as she got home that night. It was really nice to meet her again after many years, and to have a nice Bengali “adda” with her husband Dilip. The satsang was hosted by Neerja and Kumar Mangalam Birla, and I really enjoyed not just their hospitality and gracious, down-to-earth manner but also the fact that there were mostly new faces in the audience, and that they all had a really good time 🙂
I’m off to Bhopal and Indore in a few hours, then back for a day and on to Hyderabad — this month has been quite a whirlwind — and I still have to post about being in Shirdi with Guruji!
Congrats :))
I like Shobhaa De a lot personally and I think its impressive that she shared so nicely about you and AOL satsang on her blog 🙂
Would be nice to have your satsang in US sometime soon!
I wish to meet you someday.
it was like Shobhaa had put words to what i use to feel when u r with ur music… 🙂 its beautifull! i am blessed to be in Gurudev’s path and share the planet with so many wonderfull people in just one lifetime.
hi Bhaiya,
Reading ur blog clears my myth about a full-time Art of living teacher.I have come to know a Vikram bhaiya different from my imaginations.Now i have started getting a bit of d real meaning of being spiritual.
Yes bhaiya i am waiting for it. You will have to write about it for me.
Also bhaiyaa you mentioned about Ahmednagar in the post and other time when we had a talk on phone.
I don’t know if you have visited Meher Baba’s Samadhi. Please do so when you are suppose to visit next time.
It is high impact place. When i use to visit i could get time to sit in front of Samaadhi and feel the silence and the great force for about and hour. Meher Baba has told that who ever visits His Samadhi till 70 years of His leaving the body, it is equivalent to meeting Him in physical presence.
You will love to visit the Samadhi and also a small room besides where Meher Baba used to live. Meher Baba has also said that after 70 years of His leaving His physical body (Jan 1969) so many people will be pulled to the Samadhi that only glimpse of the Samadhi will be possible for most.
Happened to find and post video about Guruji’s visit to Shirdi
Dear Vikram,
Being a fan of yours, can I request you to please let me(and your other fans) know or keep us posted on your hence forth satsangs. your Satsangs help me connect to THE ALMIGHTY directly. I will be very very thankful if u could let me know about your satsangs in Bombay. Thank You. Preeti Singhania.
I know u must have heard this a million times already…at the cost of sounding like a “Cliche” –
“You r blessed with the most intoxicating voice” – I had few cds of yours but was fortunate to hear you sing live for the first time at the Bangalore ashram (Winter break) – your satsangs were amazing 🙂
Jai Gurudev!!
Identify with Shobhaa De’s response… it was your satsang that got me hooked on to the Art of Living..attended my first satsang at Bharati-di’s home in looking back, thereafter..Just completed my 4th Adv. with Rishi Vidhyadharji..It was bliss to begin our day to the beat of your music as Rishiji guided us through some thoroughly enjoyable exercises..:-) Thanks a million for introducing us to a new way of living… Take care.Jgd
Bhajan to bhojan… nice one…
Shobhaa De could wonderfully put what we feel in your satsangs in words 🙂 thank you and you are welcome to bhojan anytime here in VM20 🙂
Hello bhaiya,
I wud like to thank u for this keeps us near u.It’s a gift 2us from u.atleast v can share anyth wth our dear Vikram Bhaiya n in retrn bask in d glory of ur true knowledge.
love you bhaiya
JGD bhaiya…..
after yr concert at bhopal i have bcome
a hard core fan of yrs and now i listen to yr song Radhe Radhe Radhe Shayam everyday in da morning b4 goin to skol
She has beautifully expressed what each one of us feel after your satsangs.. Really miss your live satsangs so much here in the US…
Lots of loves to you and Tina. Aarty