Seriously. Have avoided all the social/networking utilities as its almost more than I can do to just keep up with emails and blogging. However, it seems that some kind soul has set up a Facebook page in my name (without my knowledge and permission), and a lot of people (including some of you) have been posting, and obviously not getting any replies!!
So what’s the solution? Should we all get together, report the page and have it discontinued?? Or perhaps you could all write in to whoever it is that started the page, and request him/her to hand over the account and password to me, or delete the account so I can start an authentic one? Do let me know your views on this, and let’s resolve it asap.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
bhaiya u start an authentic one
jai gurudev !
bhaiya need not to worry, i can try and crack the password for thr fake id, alternatively we can report spam too !
whatever you say…
bhaiya v can ask the person, if no reply then we can report it……..
JGD! would love to have u on facebook… start an authentic account of yours 🙂
Hi Bhaiya,
I tried a search of Vikram Hazra on facebook. I was aware and also have joined a public figure page in your name Vikram Hazra, these pages can be created by fans it is good. Only some people may misunderstand it as you personal profile.
There is one individual account by the name Vikram Hazra with no picture to that profile, so even if you wish to create a personal profile some other way of adding your name will be required.
twitter, can be more useful way to remain in touch with people. Also as you suggested on other post Back Home again, you can posts some lines from your black berry on this blog, while on move or feel like. Sometimes you can also put Google Maps pointing to where you are or where you will be traveling.
sure bhaiyya
If you have time, post an authentic page. If not, let us know so we can all write in to either close the page down or to tell the administrator of the page to state clearly that this is not the place to exchange contact with you.
In my view you should report the impostor in the following link:
May be opening an account will prevent imposters in future. Opening an account doesn’t mean that you need to be connected,
You can open an account and leave it idle. This would solve both the purposes, there will be no more imposters and u can safely keep from social networking sites. But first report the imposter to facebook.
jai guru dev bhiya,
i thought its u.ohh god.
pls start a new page on face book.
Bhiya my album “chori chori maakhan’s” videos r on air at sanskar tv .
Dada either way its good,I know the moderator sud have asked for your permission but the page is only for your hardcore fans so u can be rest assured that its safe{in all senses!!} yes u can start with a new fan club but with such schedules of your replying will even thn wud be a problem.Else u can just take up the login details and do as u wish. As we all will be at the happy end to get to interact with you more.
We have to delete the fake one and start an authentic one
People, people! Please read my next post (also from yesterday)
The issue has been sorted out. The page will remain as an authentic fan page; their wil be a note clarifying that it isnt my personal page, and also a link directing people to this blog.
I wd prefer to stay away from Facebook, Twitter etc as I just do not have the time to follow these, or even keep up 🙂
I have no idea what you are going to sort out but yes that account belongs to me and unfortunately we seem to share the same name.
Thanks for letting your people know that the facebook account dosent belong to you.
Its Vikram again, you are the only other person Ive heard sharing the same name, you seem to travel a lot, if you are in toronto give me a shout, maybe we can meetup, it will be interesting to meet the person with the same (pretty uncommon)name
Hi Vikram
It was really interesting to learn about you from Parul; I agree, I thought I was the only person with this name though I shd have guessed the statistical improbability of that one!
As for the “fake” facebook page, now it has a clear disclaimer saying that its solely a fan page for me, and does not represent me in any way. What is your facebook link, btw?
I do hope we are able to catch up sometime in the near future. Shall definitely let you know if i am visiting N America anytime soon, though next spring seems more likely (for a concert tour). Do mail me if you have plans of coming to Bbay or Cal 🙂