About Vikram Hazra
As Program Director of the International Art of Living Foundation, I travel, teach, sing, smile and serve, and strive to excel as an instrument of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, whose goal is to put the smile back on every face on this planet.
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Good one Bhaiya,
Hair on my body stood on their end as i watched the video.
Nice video vikram bhaiya
we have 2 be d change tht we want to see.
Wow what a fantastic feeling it gave…
Children the purest heart always.
Extremely well made video. The visuals and the music complement each other so well to deliver the inspiring message. It made my day!
Amazing Bhaiya!!!!!! very——————–touchingg.Yes:) let all of us get together and “CHALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”
This is so Synonymous with what Sri Sri is doin.
Hats off to the makers!
n to u… for posting it here.
Gr8 seva…. Jgd
amazing bhaiya…Tears came to my eyes as i was watching this…
We have to take an initiative like that kid!!
very inspiring
Nice video.. Who is responsible for such situation ? People of India or leader of India?