Finally heading back to bbay today after two wonderful weeks in the
ashram with Guruji; first for the Sri Sri Yoga teacher training
program and then for a meeting of senior teachers with Guruji. Didn’t
carry a laptop, guitar and other paraphernalia; just the iPhone. Also
didn’t get onto the wifi there, so it has been like a digital detox
for me as well. Shall resume my blog posts with renewed fervour tomm.
Hope you all have been well, and have enjoyed the knowledge from
Guruji which I hv been posting these days. This is thanks to a
fantastic app on iPhone called the Sri Sri app; it’s free so please
inform all your iPhone using friends to download and install it
immediately. Thanks to whoever has scripted this app, it’s a very
valuable service that they have provided to us all! Jgd
Ps I’m finally learning to type on the iPhone touchpad so I shall soon
have the guts and enthu to post longer msgs even when all I’m carrying
is the phone 🙂 it’s actually a lot easier than I imagined, and this
was my major reservation against iPhone along with the poor battery
life. Well that one is yet to be resolved — maybe one of the Mophie
juice battery packs is in the offing 😉
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Vikram Bhaiyya I was lucky to be in the ashram on my birthday (13th nov)and enjoy ur satsang & meet Guruji &… was in silence also. JGD.. Kartik
B’cos of your busy schedule, I couldnot even wish you on your B’day, Belated Happy Birthday.
lots of good wishes.
love to Tina.