My dear friends Vibha and Rajat Kejriwal have been creating some extremely beautiful silk embroidery for one of the foremost fashion designers in the world, Dries van Noten, for the past few years. So it was with great joy that they organised Dries’ first ever visit to Kolkata on Monday, and I happened to be one of the lucky few at a relaxed dinner with him and his partner Patrick Vangheluwe. Dries is extremely inspired by India — the vibe, the colours, the spirit, the warmth — and it was amazing to see how deeply he has observed the intricacies of the Indian milieu and how committed he is to using it in his work, while retaining his own identity and design ethic at all times.
A gentle, sensitive man and an uncompromising creative spirit, he was imminently approachable and thoroughly enjoyed himself as well. Needless to say, so did we!
Hi Vikram Bhaiaaaaaa…..
This is my 1st time writting to u.
While searching for u on google i got ur blog.I read that u r also teaching guitar.
If it is true.pls tell me more about this.I am a die heart fan of yours. my mail id is