It’s not that I haven’t had anything to say — in fact my head has been bursting with ideas these past few weeks — but I have been content to process them internally, and focus on applying them to my life. You see, I have never been able to easily articulate my thoughts, and especially my feelings and emotions. Often, if suddenly called upon to react to a situation, or respond to an emotionally charged moment, I draw a blank; I would rather retreat to that sanctuary from where I merely weigh and witness events. I used to think that I am very judgemental, but I have realised that I tend to acknowledge both sides of every case and hence find it difficult to indict people, since their own pressures and liabilities come sharply into focus, revealing them also to be but victims of circumstance!
I’m home most of next week and should be writing (as often promised) — but why don’t we get back to work with a series of Q&A?
Please send me a few pertinent (and impertinent) and sincere queries and let’s see what comes of them.
Jai Guru Dev 🙂
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am somehow not able to send questions on the link that you have posted in your blog.. and hence the question in the comment section…
Intellectually, I understand that whatever I see is unreal and I am just a witness to it. It is only at moments that, this understanding is transferred into realisation. So the witnessing is not consistent which is very frustrating. Also, currently since I am pretty pissed with Guruji (in general, unlike others I don’t need a reason to be angry with Guruji), I am not regular with sadhna as well. Currently life and job seems very blah even aol seems blah ( politics bit is entertaining though) , so my question is how to be in witnessing mode regularly and what do I do with the blahness
Is it possible to avoid my name while you print the answer? just asking
question 2, we or rather I generally wait, I don’t know for what..its like you do advance course thinking, yes! this will change you. you do DSN course, this will change you… even TTC that this will change you… what is that I am expecting I don’t know. whole series of courses that are there is just a circus, if you look at it.. may be I am waiting for enlightenment ( promise of eternal happiness or whatever). y wait..i want to stop waiting..may be that comes with acceptance.. looks like I answered my question.. Sharika 😉 jgd..
vikram sir i am hvng a query sir if sum1 is doing wrong wid us thn wht shud we do…?? we shud do the same to them????
bhaiya jgd, you are the best!!
wow thatz great bhayya..I will surely come up with some queries
luv and regards
I have experienced the witnessing consciousness once in a while although it is does not last for long. But for the past few days I have been dwelling on the fact that nothing that we perceive as real is real. Dwelling on the fact that the past and future is only a dream and the reality is only Now (the Now which I don’t experience often). But that sometimes brings fear, to think that we really don’t know who we are, what reality really is. How do I deal with this occasional insecurity? Although most of the times knowing that Guruji is there to handhold me, brings solace.