… game! Too many things happening at the same time. My main travel laptop was away in the US for a much-needed vacation and a new LCD; the big one that functions as a desktop was getting an OS makeover; I was recording episodes for my radio show, and also took off for ten days to Singapore (why should my laptops be the only ones getting vacations and makeovers!)
But mostly I have just been regarding life — yep there are a couple of juicy posts just waiting to spring from that phrase itself — but for now, it’s the regarding that has taken prominence over the writing. And what fun it has been — like sitting in a verandah with a steaming cup of cinnamon coffee n chocolate cookies (accidental alliteration) — watching the evening sun go down, as Mumbai traffic creates a harmonious cacophony in the distance. Sometimes its good to just bask in the fruits of one’s labour, savour it all in before returning to the creative process. Don’t get me wrong, I am not referring to rest, recuperation, relaxation (alliterations again) — this was simply and totally “regarding” my life in totality — without judgement or evaluation, without comment or action. And it is in this space of regarding that one sees how each intricate detail in this gianormous jigsaw is already, inexorably, in place — people, places, relationships, vocations, clothes, furniture, cops, movies, traffic, household help, yoga, burgers….LIFE!
Wow..that was one feel good post !!!
// how each intricate detail in this gianormous jigsaw is already, inexorably, in place
Soooo true Vikram ….and we feel that its WE who decide the moves of LIFE!!
Wonderful.. so true.. 😉
Ya actually,life is already in place, thanks for bringing this to my realisation. I can now chill further mentally….
cinnamon cofee cum choclate cookies!!!!