Over the past 5 months you all have sent in some wonderful questions. I apologize for not having answered them earlier. Have sat down to compose not one, but three sets of QnA which will appear over the next three days. I now feel that QnA can and ought to be a vital part of this blog, so once again I invite you to send in your queries on any topic under the sun; though the answer from my side might be a big, amazed “I don’t know!!!”
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We will be waiting 4 dat………..
Archit Aggarwal
I have a different question, which pl answer.
The question is…On 24th day of Ashtavakra Guruji talks beautifully and the impact of his talk is simply great B..U..T…the reference of the verses 5th to 8th of chapter 12 of ‘Ashtavakra Gita’.that he makescannot be linked to ‘what he talks.I am unable to do fine tuning of the relevant shlokas and what Guruji talks on day 24. I know that in spiritual field intellectual querry does not mean much, even then the question has come up. in my mind.