It’s been a strange week even by my standards, complicated by the fact that it’s been one of the busiest phases of work — can’t-answer-the-phone, no-time-to-check-email kind of busy, travelling to at least one new city/town/village every day. Each of my gadgets suddenly started crashing, a bizarre sequence of events which left me without a phone, a laptop and any addresses or contact numbers by last weekend. Strangely liberating, I felt, but very bizarre. Default mode action in this kind of bind is to retreat, review and spend a day or two with Guruji, which is exactly what we did. Tina and I celebrated our first anniversary a day earlier in satsang with Guruji, along with fellow anniversarians Darshana-Manoj and Puravi-Amit. All that day, Guruji spoke so fondly about Maharishi (who had just left the body — more on that in a later post); it was like going back thirty years and literally reliving those days with Him.
We got back to Bombay in a much better mood, ready to take on the world, and as soon as we reached home, Tina sprang the mother of a surprise on me — she and Ramesh Raman had plotted and planned and acually got me a new Blackberry (new number, new plan, new service provider) which will let me carry my office on my pocket and be online everywhere! Well I’m just going to chuck the phone and laptop and my spare phone and my portable modem…and relax! I’ll even post to this blog from my Blackberry. Got to run for a flight now, this is the last week of a hectic two-month tour, next week we shall sit back and spend a lot more time online, catching up with everybody. Meanwhile, please email me your contact numbers so that I can rebuild my address book.
Was reading your old posts( since u didn’t put a new one).How about sharing Guruji’s talk about Maharishi.
Vikramji, the Maharishi please.