It was with rather a jolt that I realised that for someone whose job
is to make people relax, I have never really had a complete holiday
for over twenty years! My justification for this has always been that
my work is so deeply satisfying that I’m always on holiday, doing
what I love. Meditating also helps keep stress at bay despite insane
travel schedules. Thirdly, my work involves music, travel,
photography, food, yoga and meditation — which are what most
peoples’ vacations are all about. So my idea of a hobby or a holiday
has usually been to catch up on sleep, since most days I work about
15-20 hours 🙂
Anyhow, Tina and I finally just packed our bags and came over to my
cousin Arnab’s house in Singapore, and believe me it has been
absolute bliss — the body and mind have been thanking us profusely,
reminding us of how hard they have worked. I had promised Tina a
“different” view of Singapore, since I have mostly interacted with
the locals, and know a lot of places that tourists would never have
heard of. In fact, there were a couple of places which my cousin had
never heard of, and he is a permanent resident here!
Also, we went off to Yogyakarta last weekend, and spent a beautiful
time exploring the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, learning about
batik printing and silverwork that the region is famous for, and
getting a couple of really good massages! We also saw the Javanese
Ramayana, quite different from the Balinese form, and actually quite
gripping — it was a refreshing change for us to see our epics
through the eyes of a different culture, who have in fact done more
to promote them than we ourselves!
Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures, and don’t miss the fish spa,
where dozens of tiny fish come and nibble at your soles, supposedly
giving you a pedicure in the process by eating up your dead skin! It
was a bit ticklish and pretty novel, but its cosmetic benefits are
dubious 🙂
Jai Gurudev Bhaiya! This comment is not directly related to your post but thought you might find this interesting..
This is a photo from the 2009 Obama Inauguration, In which you can see IN FOCUS The face of each individual in the crowd!!!
You can scan, double click and zoom to any section of the crowd. . .
Don’t forget wait for few seconds And the focus adjusts. The picture was taken with a robotic camera at 1,474 megapixel.(295 Times the standard 5 megapixel camera)
Follow the below link
looks like you’ve has loads of fun! welcome back… 🙂